Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan Enbridge Northern Gateway Project - Version 2.0

The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the harmful alteration, disruption, or destruction (HADD) resulting from the Project. Second, the plan describes a framework that Northern Gateway intends to use to prioritize the compensation options that may be used in the final compensation plan. Third, the plan provides a description of the types of fish habitat creation or restoration or enhancement techniques that would most likely be used at various locations along the proposed pipeline route.

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Field Value
Author MacDonald, K.
Maintainer AMEC Americas Limited
Version 2.0
Last Updated July 25, 2022, 18:47 (UTC)
Created August 6, 2019, 17:57 (UTC)
publication_yr 2012