Maxan Watershed Stream Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Level 2 Design...
AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited (AEE) was retained by Dz'ilh K'Az Kwa Development Corporation (DKK) to design stream habitat restoration and enhancement measures in the... -
Toboggan Creek Stream Rehabilitation and Silvern Lakes Road Deactivation
The objectives of this project are to re-establish and maintain the original stream channel, protect fish habitat, maintain fish passage and maintain 4wheel drive recreational... -
Fulton River Watershed Fish Passage Restoration
A series of three restoration projects on the Fulton river (sites 8 & 13) and Harold Price creek (site 19) focused on amending pre-code stream crossings on forestry land to... -
Bulkley/Fulton Watershed Fish Passage Culvert Assessment Program
This study looks at barriers to fish crossings in the Bulkley-Fulton watershed, including forestry roads and poorly situated culverts. Funding was made available to restore fish... -
Mid Skeena Watershed Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring
In 2006, Gitksan Watershed Authorities was retained by the Pacific Salmon Commission to conduct an effectiveness monitoring in three Mid Skeena sub-basins: the Kispiox,... -
Analysis and Priority Identification of Existing Fish Passage Data: Bulkley...
For this project, existing fish passage information in the Bulkley River watershed located near Smithers, British Columbia, was reviewed in order to prioritize and rank culverts... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
2008 Assessment of Forestry Road Crossings in the Kispiox River Watershed...
The purpose of the 2008 Kispiox River Watershed, Forestry Road Crossing Assessment Project was to protect fish habitat by identifying stream crossings within the Cullon,... -
Fish Passage GIS Analysis Version 2 Methodology and Output Data...
The BC Land Based Investment (LBI) fish passage program is focused on remediating stream crossings that impede freshwater fish migration. The most common barrier to fish is... -
Skeena Salmon: Lake Sockeye Conservation Unit Snapshot: Lakelse
This habitat report card was developed by the Pacific Salmon Foundation with technical support from ESSA Technologies. This project summarizes pressures on habitat used by... -
An Inventory of Lars Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Old Man Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Swans Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Gilmore Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Gilmore Lake was surveyed as part of the Burns Lake-Houston small lakes project in which a total of 10 lakes were examined. All of the lakes historically supported rainbow trout... -
An Inventory of Elwin Lake and its Inlet and Outlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
Williams and Sockeye Creeks Watershed Status Evaluation Report
This report provides the results from the first of several pilot applications of the Watershed Status Evaluation Protocol (WSEP) developed to help understand the status of a... -
Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Watershed Assessment of the Kitseguekla Community Watershed
At the request of Skeena Cellulose Inc. Carnaby Division, a Watershed Assessment of the Kits Creek watershed was conducted by Freshwater Resources of Smithers, B.C. The... -
Upper Zymoetz (Copper River) WRP Overview Fish and Riparian Assessment
This report summarizes fish and fish habitat values within the Copper River watershed and describes impacts to both the fisheries resource and riparian habitats regulating from... -
Upper Skeena Fish Passage Culvert Inspection
The purpose of this report is to present background information and survey results for fish passage inspections along the B.C. Rail grade located in the upper Skeena Watershed....