Toboggan Creek Stream Rehabilitation and Silvern Lakes Road Deactivation
The objectives of this project are to re-establish and maintain the original stream channel, protect fish habitat, maintain fish passage and maintain 4wheel drive recreational... -
Mid Skeena Watershed Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring
In 2006, Gitksan Watershed Authorities was retained by the Pacific Salmon Commission to conduct an effectiveness monitoring in three Mid Skeena sub-basins: the Kispiox,... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
2008 Assessment of Forestry Road Crossings in the Kispiox River Watershed...
The purpose of the 2008 Kispiox River Watershed, Forestry Road Crossing Assessment Project was to protect fish habitat by identifying stream crossings within the Cullon,... -
An Inventory of Lars Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Old Man Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Swans Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Gilmore Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Gilmore Lake was surveyed as part of the Burns Lake-Houston small lakes project in which a total of 10 lakes were examined. All of the lakes historically supported rainbow trout... -
Watershed Assessment of the Kitseguekla Community Watershed
At the request of Skeena Cellulose Inc. Carnaby Division, a Watershed Assessment of the Kits Creek watershed was conducted by Freshwater Resources of Smithers, B.C. The... -
Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review: Summary of Data, Methodology,...
The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review project produced a set of analyses focused on select pressure and quantity indicators as determined by the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy... -
Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan...
The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the... -
Stream Inventory - Thautil River Watershed
An aquatic stream inventory was conducted in the Thautil River Watershed in the Morice Forest District during the summer and fall of 1996. This report presents an overview of... -
Skeena Salmon: Lake Sockeye Conservation Unit Snapshot: Maxan
This habitat report card was developed by the Pacific Salmon Foundation with technical support from ESSA Technologies. This project summarizes pressures on habitats used by... -
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index Survey for the Nichyeskwa...
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) Survey for the Nichyeskwa Watershed, Skeena Stikine Forest District. This report presents the results of the SCQI survey... -
Reconnaissance Inventory of Jack Mould Lake (Alias)
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd. was retained by the Fisheries Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks in Smithers, British Columbia, to conduct a reconnaissance... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Stream Inventory of Deep Canoe Creek
The purpose of the Reconnaissance (1:20 000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory is to describe watershed-wide fish distributions and habitat characteristics for the project area.... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Assessment Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Design Proposal Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure and found to be a failure. Design points have been identified as a priority for... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Project: Application to Amend Environmental...
This environmental assessment, like the effects assessment contained in the original 2007 EAC Application, is a sustainability-based environmental assessment that considers the... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Project: Application No.4 to Amend Environmental...
This environmental effects assessment, like the effects assessment provided in the 2007 EAC Application, is a sustainability-based environmental assessment that considers five...