Distribution, Timing, and Numbers of Steelhead Returning to the Skeena Watershed in 1995

This report summarizes the data collected during the July to November 1995 period and describes the fate and timing information of steelhead movements to the end of November 1995. Fishwheels operated by the Kitselas Band Office were used to catch and apply radio tags to 100 steelhead near Kitselas. Fixed-station receivers, aircraft, boat, and truck surveys were used to track fish as they moved up-river toward overwintering and spawning areas. Mark rates for steelhead were obtained.

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Author Alexander, R.F., English, K.K. and W.R. Koski
Maintainer BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Last Updated July 19, 2022, 23:08 (UTC)
Created July 22, 2019, 17:50 (UTC)
publication_yr 1996