SSAF State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat 2020 - Data
The Skeena Sustainability Assessment Forum’s (SSAF) State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat provides an overview of the current condition of fish and fish habitat in... -
Habitat Improvement and Outplanting Possibilities - Upper Bulkley/ Morice Systems
The NCD Habitat Unit, along with coho biologists from the Science Branch, conducted a juvenile coho sampling program on the Upper Bulkley/Morice River systems during the month... -
Assessment of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Populations of Babine Lake
This study aims to find evidence of changes in the abundance of sockeye relative to spawning numbers, and evidence of the dispersal and subsequent distribution of juveniles in... -
Residual Impacts on water quality and sockeye salmon fry habitat: Twenty...
The Morrison River enters Babine Lake from the northwest. Morrison and Tahlo Lakes are important sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) nursery lakes that collectively host the second... -
Stewardship Project Registry
The Stewardship Project Registry Atlas captures records of completed projects (as far back as the mid 1990s) for many of the funding organizations in the Pacific Region. The... -
Skeena River Steelhead Stock- Assessment Program: 1994 Catch and Escapement...
During 1994, a large scale stock-assessment program was implemented to determine the status of steelhead and coho populations in the Skeena River. Catches in commercial... -
Skeena River Steelhead Stock Assessment Program: Estimation of the 1994...
The 1994 steelhead catches in the commercial fishery of Area 4 were estimated by reference to the steelhead:sockeye ratio from observer records, and adjusted hail reports. The... -
Orientation Differences Between Populations of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon
British Columbia's Babine Lake system has three populations of sockeye salmon smolts which travel different routes to the outlet on their seaward migration. The objective of... -
Level I Detailed Field Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitat for...
The Watershed Restoration Program of British Columbia is a program whereby watersheds that have been damaged by past logging practices undergo restoration. The program involves... -
Lakelse Lake Limnology and Juvenile Fish Ecology: 2003 Update
In 2003, Fisheries and Oceans Canada personnel carried out a study of the limnology and fish ecology of Lakelse Lake. A similar study was also carried out in 1994. The focus of... -
Fisheries Research Board of Canada: Manuscript Reports of the Biological Station
Since 1950, creel census studies have been conducted as a part of the program of sockeye salmon research at Lakelse. To gain a greater understanding of the cut-throat population... -
Evaluation of burbot stocks and assessment of a cod trapping technique in...
The use of cod traps was assessed in four small lakes of the Skeena Region. Traps were deployed during lake trout index netting assessments to gain expense and labour... -
Estimating the Abundance of Adult Steelhead in the Babine River Using Mark...
A mark recapture study was conducted by angling on the upper 20 kilometers of the Babine River in an attempt to estimate the abundance of overwintering adult steelhead. The... -
Effects of host migration, diversity and aquaculture on sea lice threats to...
This journal reports and discusses the results that characterize parasite threats of salmon aquaculture to wild salmon populations and show how host migration and diversity are... -
Conserving Kispiox Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report was prepared for the Kispiox Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan (KWFSP) planning table. It briefly describes the origin, purpose, and benefits of Watershed-... -
Call Lake Creel Census
Call Lake is a small, barren lake situated approximately six kilometers east of Smithers, B.C. It is a shallow lake with no inlet or outlet streams. Call Lake was stocked in the... -
Bulkley/Morice Fish Sample Survey 1987
Population estimate samples for creeks in the Bulkley/Morice region from 1987 -
Bulkley River Steelhead Trout: A Report on Angler Use, Tagging, and Life...
The Bulkley River and its major tributary, Morice River, support one of the most intense steelhead trout fisheries in British Columbia. Recent mailed questionnaire surveys of... -
Bulkley River Chinook Broods
The following are summaries of chinook assessment carried out during 1999 and 2000 broodstock collection activities on the Upper Bulkley River. -
Babine River Steelhead, 1993/94: Population Estimate and Weir Assessment
This steelhead study included a population estimate of the upper Babine River and a trial operation of the Babine River Weir for future enumeration of the upper Babine and...