Suskwa River Steelhead Trout: The 1977 Inventory, Creel Survey and Life History Characteristics Study Leading to the Removal of a Barrier on Harold-Price Creek

The 1977 aspect of the Suskwa River project began in July and continued until freeze-up in November. Fish were sampled either with "Gees" traps or by angling. The inventory crew switched to a casual creel survey and an adult steelhead tagging program during the sport fishery beginning in late August. The creel survey was used as a crude estimator of steelhead harvest, pre-enhancement. Scale samples were collected and lengths, weights, and sex were determined from both crew and sports angler-caught steelhead.

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Field Value
Author Chudyk, W.E.
Maintainer BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development
Last Updated July 8, 2022, 20:56 (UTC)
Created August 7, 2019, 17:00 (UTC)
publication_yr 1978