An Inventory of Gilmore Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams

Gilmore Lake was surveyed as part of the Burns Lake-Houston small lakes project in which a total of 10 lakes were examined. All of the lakes historically supported rainbow trout sport fisheries, but the fishery has declined over the last five to ten years. This decline has primarily been attributed to poor recruitment of rainbows due to a lack of suitable and accessible spawning habitat. This small lakes project was concerned with the evaluation of rainbow trout spawning habitat for these lakes to give recommendations for possible enhancements of rainbow spawning sites.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Saimoto, R.
Maintainer BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Last Updated July 26, 2022, 16:22 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2019, 18:34 (UTC)
publication_yr 1993