SSAF State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat 2020 - Data
The Skeena Sustainability Assessment Forum’s (SSAF) State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat provides an overview of the current condition of fish and fish habitat in... -
CanMatrix Print Ready Maps - 1:50,000 Scale
CanMatrix products represent the 1:50,000 scale map collection of Natural Resources Canada. This collection is being replaced by the CanTopo series but coverage of the CanTopo... -
Drone monitoring of Maxan Creek restoration sites
Drone images (Ortho, DSM, DEM) for effectiveness monitoring of a site on Maxan Creek in May 2022 that underwent streambank stabilization in the fall of 2021. -
Kispiox River Watershed Stewardship Decision Support Tool
Results of the 2023 Equivalent Clearcut Area (ECA) analysis at six Watershed Management Levels (WMLs) for the Kispiox River Watershed with respect to Peak-Flow-Sensitivity (PFS)... -
Eelgrass Bed Mapping
Land use changes and developments have led to a loss of natural estuarine habitat in British Columbia. Agriculture, forestry, and dredging for commercial and residential... -
Lidar imagery of Nanika and Redslide watersheds
Lidar imagery of Nanika and Redslide watersheds in September 2021. The flight path included 500 m on either side of the Nanika River (1 km swath) from Morice Lake to the falls,... -
Fish Passage GIS Analysis Version 2 Methodology and Output Data...
The BC Land Based Investment (LBI) fish passage program is focused on remediating stream crossings that impede freshwater fish migration. The most common barrier to fish is... -
Freshwater Atlas Aquatic Obstructions
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Fish Observations within Lake Babine Territory
This point location dataset of fish observations is a compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial databases including... -
Bulkley Higher Level Plan GIS Data Cut to Babine Watershed
GIS Shape files from the Bulkley Higher Level Plan Orders as they relate to the Lower Babine Watershed (Babine River). -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
ALC ALR Polygons
The spatial representation for the boundary of an Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), which is a parcel of land, based on soil and climate, deemed necessary to be maintained for... -
Worldwide Reference System (WSP) 2 Used in Cataloging Landsat 7 & 8 Data
This .zip file will provide row and path number for the imagery of interest. Provided in Georeferenced TIFF format, projection WGS84. -
Wild Salmon Policy Indicator Analysis for the Kispiox TSA
Wild Salmon Policy indicators including road density, stream crossing density, riparian disturbance, and anthropogenic total land cover alternation (TLCA) were calculated for... -
Watershed Status Evaluation: An Assessment of 71 Watersheds Meeting BC's...
This pilot project used the WSE Tier I GIS-based methods described in Porter et al. (2013) to assess the watershed indicator “risk” status of 71 watersheds across most of... -
Water Rights Licenses - Public
This is a province-wide SDE spatial layer displaying water rights licence data administrated under the Water Sustainability Act which includes data for both surface water and... -
Upper Bulkley Watershed Reconnaissance July 26, 2018
Photographs and field notes from July 26, 2018 Upper Bulkley River (UBR) Watershed reconnaissance conducted by Cindy Verbeek and Margaret Letkeman. Field descriptions include... -
Upper Bulkley Restoration Sites
Link to the Upper Bulkley restoration sites map on the Skeena Maps Portal. The restoration sites represent ongoing and recent (post-2016) restoration sites in the Upper Bulkley... -
Trophic Status of B.C. Lakes
Map and listing of B.C. lakes assessed through the B.C. Lake Monitoring Network. Lakes are characterized as Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic, or Eutrophic. -
TANTALIS - Surveyed Right-of-way Parcels
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of all parcels of land surveyed for statutory access or Right-of-Way purposes, with active surveys, that are or have...