Watershed Stewardship Decision Support Tool for Babine River and Babine Lake

Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) at multiple Watershed Management Levels (WMLs) for the Babine River and Babine Lake Watershed Atlas Groups. Attributes for both atlas groups include Peak-Flow-Sensitivity (PFS) thresholds for risk categorization of Equivalent Clearcut Area (ECA). PSF assessment work was completed by Lake Babine Nation, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Northern Habitat Solutions, and SKR Consultants Ltd. in 2020, which computed PFS scores and ECA risk categories WMAs at all WMLs in the Babine River and Babine Lake Watershed Atlas Groups. The WMAs are themed by the results of the ECA analysis completed for SkeenaWild Conservation Trust by Eclipse Geomatics Ltd in October 2022 (Babine River) and April 2023 (Babine Lake).

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Field Value
Source https://maps.skeenasalmon.info/maps/672
Author E. Daviel
Maintainer L. Vanderstar
Last Updated May 11, 2023, 18:26 (UTC)
Created April 25, 2023, 22:09 (UTC)
publication_yr 2023