A Survey of Zymoetz (Copper) River Steelhead Anglers in 1999

The Zymoetz (Copper) River in the Skeena Region of northwestern British Columbia (B.C.) is well known for providing a high quality steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) recreational fishery. In 1990, the province of B.C. implemented a Classified Waters system to protect such high quality angling experiences on rivers throughout the province. Under the Classified Waters system, waters throughout the province have been designated as class one or class two waters. The upper portion of the Zymoetz River (upstream of Limonite Creek) is one of six class one waters throughout the province which are designated as remote, pristine, wilderness rivers with significant fisheries value and limited access. The Zymoetz River downstream of Limonite Creek is designated as class two and is a high quality steelhead fishery with better access and more angler effort.

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Author Morten, K.L.
Data Steward BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Publication Year 2000