Reconnaissance Level Fish and Fish Habitat Inventories in the Bulkley T.S.A.
These reports summarize the reconnaissance level fish and fish habitat inventories for various locations along the Bulkley River. Sensitive habitats and barriers are discussed,... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Upper Skeena and Kispiox River Juvenile Steelhead Surveys 1999
In 1999, the Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks surveyed portions of the Upper Skeena River and Kispiox Rivers during September 1999 for juvenile steelhead and fry and... -
Toboggan Creek Coho Smolt Enumerations
The primary focus of the "Toboggan Creek Smolt Project" is to estimate the number of wild coho (0. kisutch) smolts leaving Toboggan Creek. Initiated in the spring of 1995, the... -
Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 12: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates, and fish... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 480-502100
A secondary lake inventory (RIC 1999, 2000) was conducted on an Unnamed Lake located approximately 13 km west of the outlet of Morrison Lake and 13.3 km north of Smithers... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Twin Lake
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd. was retained by the Fisheries Branch of the BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks in Smithers (MELP), British Columbia, to conduct a... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Torkelsen Lake
This report contains information about Torkelsen Lake habitat quality. The data presented in this document includes information regarding aquatic vegetation, terrain features,... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Bristol Lake
This report contains information about Bristol Lake habitat quality. The data presented in this document includes information regarding aquatic vegetation, terrain features,... -
Reconnaissance Inventory of Chrisholm Lake
This report contains information about Chrisholm Lake habitat quality. The data presented in this document includes information regarding aquatic vegetation, terrain features,... -
Reconnaissance Inventory of Aconitum Lake
This report contains information about Aconitum Lake habitat quality. The data presented in this document includes information regarding aquatic vegetation, terrain features,... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Design Proposal Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure and found to be a failure. Design points have been identified as a priority for... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Project: Volume 1 Report - Application for...
This Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate for the KSL Project has been prepared pursuant to Section 16(1) of the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act. The... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Application Volume II: Baseline Studies
These baseline studies cover the following topics with regards to the impacts of the Pacific Trail Pipeline: acid rock drainage and metal leaching, acoustic environment, air... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Distribution, Timing, and Numbers of Steelhead Returning to the Skeena...
This report summarizes the data collected during the July to November 1995 period and describes the fate and timing information of steelhead movements to the end of November... -
Davidson Project Aquatics Baseline Report, 2006-2008
This report describes aquatics baseline studies conducted in the Davidson study area from 2006 (June) until 2008 (November). The objective of these studies was to characterize... -
Compilation of Stock Assessment Information for Skeena River Steelhead:...
Geographic information from the BC Watershed Atlas and juvenile steelhead surveys from the Sustut, Kispiox, Bulkley, and Upper Skeena rivers were used to update a model of... -
Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 4...
This resource from Ecocat is a catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records, and other general...