2019 Water Quality Monitoring in the Morice Watershed
This dataset includes field sheets, Certificate of Analysis and photos from water quality grab sampling in 2019. Five weekly samples were taken over a period of 30 days. Data is... -
2022 Drinking Water Quality Monitoring in the Morice Watershed
This MWMT monitoring program focused on supporting the Wet’suwet’en living on the territories through outreach and training in drinking water quality monitoring. Drinking water... -
2020 Water Quality Monitoring in the Morice Watershed
This dataset includes field sheets and the Certificate of Analysis for water quality grab samples. Five weekly samples were taken over a period of 30 days in summer of 2020 at... -
Morice River Watershed Morphometry, Glacier Inventory and Future Glacier Changes
Three reports are provided that aim to detail the dominant landscape and cryospheric determinants of water quality and quantity in the upper Morice River region from the... -
Biophysical, Socio-Economic, and Regional Data and Information (BERDI)
BERDI – a data bank for Biophysical, (Socio)Economic, and Regional Data and Information (pronounced “birdie”) - was created to make data collected by the Canada Energy Regulator... -
Morice Water Monitoring Trust: Annual Monitoring Plans
The Annual Monitoring Plan sets out the year’s proposed activities and budget which are created from the MWMT Monitoring Framework and is consistent with the MWMT Agreement. -
Water Quality and Biological Studies in the Marine Environment Near the...
Studies in Porpoise Channel, Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin during 1986 encompassed physical, chemical, and biological assessments of the local environment. These... -
Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations and Fish Passage Culvert Inspection
Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations arose out of the Forest and Range Practices Act as a way of measuring the effectiveness of the Act in accomplishing its forest... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Assessment of the Impact of the Kemano II Proposal on the Fish and Wildlife...
In 1974 and 1975, the Fish and Wildlife Branch conducted field studies on the fish and wildlife populations in the Nanika-Kidprice system which would be affected by the proposed... -
Lake Kathlyn Monitoring Results
A weblink to the Lake Kathlyn sampling history and monitoring results on the BC Lake Monitoring Network. -
An Investigation of the Condition of Kathlyn Lake, with Suggestions for...
As early as 1970, and continuing into the year 1973, concerned citizens of the Smithers area brought to the attention of the Water Resources Services the fact that nuisance weed... -
Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring
This dataset contains a link to the Data BC "Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring" page. It contains a series of pdf documents associated with the... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates and fish... -
Lakelse Lake Limnology and Juvenile Fish Ecology: 2003 Update
In 2003, Fisheries and Oceans Canada personnel carried out a study of the limnology and fish ecology of Lakelse Lake. A similar study was also carried out in 1994. The focus of... -
Davidson Project Meteorology and Hydrology Baseline Report 2006-2008
This meteorology and hydrology baseline report summarizes results from 2006, 2007, and 2008 from the Davidson meteorology station and for 6 hydrometric stations established for... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1950 - 1972
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1950 to 1972. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1918 - 1949
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Area 4 Annual Reports from 1918 - 1949. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial... -
DFO Area 4 Reports 1973 - 1984
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1973 to 1984. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
Cutthroat Fishery - Lakelse River/Lake
A compilation of various studies and emails between the researchers and the Ministry of Environment in regards to Lakelse Lake and River assessment through the years of 1969-2001.