The Limnology of Morice Lake Volume 5: Chapter 2
As part of the Kemano II Environmental Study, Environment Canada, Fisheries Service, initiated a program during 1974-75 to inventory existing water chemistry, plankton and... -
Groundwater Level Data Interactive Map
This interactive map provides access to groundwater level data collected from the BC Provincial Groundwater Observation Well Network. -
Excel Energy Inc: Birch Oil Sales Pipeline Pre-Impact Fisheries Habitat Assessment
Excel Energy Inc. planned to construct an oil pipeline in the area of the Birch oil field in northeastern British Columbia. The project involved the construction of... -
Environmental and Reclamation Measures Equity Silver Mines Ltd. - 1987
The purpose of this paper will be to offer a brief overview of these measures. Key topics for discussion will be: kinetics of Acid Mine Drainage, acid generating potential,... -
Environmental Impact Information of the Proposed Equity Mining Capital Ltd....
During 1974, Environment Canada undertook an additional study of the watershed adjacent to Equity Mining Capital Ltd.'s proposed development near Goosly Lake to supplement water... -
Effects of Equity Silver Mine on Goosly Lake
A report on the effects of the seepage and spill contaminates from Equity Silver Mine, near Houston, on lake water quality and biota in Goosly Lake. -
Davidson Project: Update of MODFLOW Model
This document details an updated groundwater model for the Davidson EA. Key differences between this version of the model and the previous version are a change in the model... -
Davidson Project: Predicted Groundwater and Surface Water Chemistry Before,...
This report illustrates and discusses the temporal trends in groundwater and surface water chemistry before, during, and after mining. It is based on empirical and predicted... -
Consequences of Catch-and-Release Angling on the Physiology, Behaviour, and...
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sub-lethal impacts and survival of wild steelhead following C&R angling. Steelhead were assessed for the presence of the... -
Canada-B.C. Water Quality Monitoring Program - Interactive Map
This interactive maps shows the locations and trends for a network of 42 water quality stations in B.C. rivers operated by the Province of B.C. and Environment Canada. Water... -
Babine Lake Monitoring June 19-22, 1990
This report addresses the state of the environment in Babine Lake during 1990 after the re-opening of the Bell Mine operations in 1985. -
BC Snow Survey Data
Information on provincial snow survey data in BC. Snow survey data is collected from manual and electronic environmental monitoring sites across the province. Scientific data... -
BC River Forecast Centre
The River Forecast Centre analyses snow pack, assesses seasonal water supply and flood risk, and predicts flows in British Columbia’s rivers and streams. It produces a range of... -
Lake Survey Data Seymour Lake 1975
This survey included the following information about Seymour lake in 1975: water chemistry, temperature series, stocking, fish samples, dissolved oxygen, and light penetration. -
Analysis of 2017 Water Quality Monitoring: Upper Bulkley River Watershed
This report analyzes the results of the 2017 water quality monitoring data from the Upper Bulkley River watershed to assess current water quality conditions, identify data gaps,... -
A Reconnaissance Survey of Seymour Lake 1983
This survey presents physical data of Seymour Lake. This includes terrain features, access, resorts and campsites, obstructions and pollutions, developments, aquatic plants,... -
British Columbia Water Tool
The BC Water Portal was developed to be a map-based water information tool designed to provide public access to information about natural water availability, existing water...