Pleasant Valley Bridge Crossing Fish Habitat Assessment Final Report
This final report contains the fish and fish habitat assessment around the area of the Pleasant Valley bridge in the Bulkley river, as well as a review of the bridge design plans. -
Morrison Mine Re-Consideration and Comments of Pacific Booker Minerals on...
Comments from the Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs on the Morrison copper/gold mine proposal. -
Floodplain Stability, Morice River, Between Owen Creek and Thautil River
A geomorphological study of the Morice River floodplain, between the confluence of the Thautil River and Fenton Creek (Reach 2), was undertaken at the request of the Forest... -
Digital Road Atlas (DRA) - Master Partially-Attributed Roads
Digital Road Atlas Master Partially-Attributed Roads provides partial information about roads in British Columbia. This data set represents the public data that is available for... -
Environmental and Reclamation Measures Equity Silver Mines Ltd. - 1988
The purpose of this paper is to summarize rehabilitation measures, reclamation programmes, costs, equipment selection, and research carried out at Equity Silver Mines Limited. -
Effects of Equity Silver Mine on Goosly Lake
A report on the effects of the seepage and spill contaminates from Equity Silver Mine, near Houston, on lake water quality and biota in Goosly Lake. -
Draft Environmental Effects Evaluation/Application for an Environmental...
Vopac Pacific's overview of the environmental effects of the construction and opertation of the Vopac Pacific Canada Project, which will store Liquified Petroleum Gas, Clean... -
Davidson Project: Update of MODFLOW Model
This document details an updated groundwater model for the Davidson EA. Key differences between this version of the model and the previous version are a change in the model... -
Bulkley River and Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning
In April of 2020, the Society for Ecosystem Restoration Northern British Columbia (SERNbc) undertook an initiative to plan and conduct fish passage restoration planning... -
2021 BC Contaminated Mine Site Map
Map depicting over a hundred known and potentially contaminated mine waste sites that threaten to pollute waters, fish habitat and communities across British Columbia