Natural Resource Stewardship Monitoring and Assessment Report for the...
Natural Resource Stewardship Monitoring and Assessment Reports are a summary of existing resource value monitoring and assessment information for a given geographic area. Data... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Project 3rd Party Review Response Report
This report presents the response to the 3rd Party Review of the Environmental Assessment for the Morrison Copper/Gold Project. The 3rd Party Review was requested by the... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Increasing Dominance of Odd-Year Returning Pink Salmon
The hypothesis that abundance patterns differ between even- and odd-year returning Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) was examined using data from the eastern and western... -
Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle in the Babine River Ecosystem Network
The primary objective of this study is to determine if the Babine Watershed ecosystem network is effective in maintaining biodiversity in the face of climate-induced disturbance... -
Hydrometric Stations - Active and Discontinued
BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly... -
Hydrologic Regimes in a Changing Climate: Characteristics and Response of...
Hydrologic regimes in a changing climate: characteristics and responses of wetland and off-channel habitat along the Telkwa River and the implications for juvenile coho salmon.... -
Fire Perimeters - Historical
Wildfire perimeters for all fire seasons before the current year. -
Environmental Studies on the Morice-Nanika Watershed Interim Report (1975)
B.C. Hydro has proposed developing various resources for meeting future electric power requirements of the province. The main resources included are: hydro-electric power, coal,... -
ClimateNA is a standalone MS Windows application that uses gridded monthly climate normal data (800 x 800 m) to generate scale-free climate data and climate surfaces for... -
Climate Summary for: Skeena Region - Part of a Series on the Resource...
There is a strong scientific consensus that the Earth’s climate is changing, primarily due to greenhouse gas emissions. This series of climate summaries, for the eight resource... -
BC Wildfire Active Weather Stations
This dataset contains point locations for actively reporting BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) weather stations. BCWS operates a network of automated hourly reporting weather stations... -
BC Environmental Monitoring Station Locations
Environmental Monitoring Stations (EMS) spatial points coverage for the Province by LOCATION TYPES. Link to access/download dataset from the BC Data Catalogue. -
An Environmental Assessment of the Watershed Adjacent to Hallmark Resources,...
The Environmental Protection Service is engaged in monitoring programs of the various industrial concerns that constitute potential hazards to the receiving water quality. The... -
Adapting Forest and Range Management to Climate Change in the Skeena Region:...
The intent of this extension note is to inform adaptation of forest and range practices to climate change by providing the best available information to resource professionals,... -
Preliminary Categorization of the Productivity of 37 Coastal and Skeena...
We carried out limnological surveys of 37 lakes on British Columbia's north coast and Skeena River system. Limnological data collected on these surveys enabled us to make... -
Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments for Watersheds
Drawing guidance from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) this compendium defines vulnerability assessment as a process for assessing, measuring, and/or... -
Telkwa Watershed: A Forest Hydrology Analysis
This study reviews physical watershed characteristics, historical stream flow, and climatic data relevant to the Telkwa watershed. A simple modelling exercise is done to show... -
PSF Climate Adaptation Workshop: Strategy and Ideas for Marine and Freshwater
A link to a recording of the 2021 Climate Adaptation Workshop hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation. The goal of this workshop was to bring together salmon scientists and... -
PSF Climate Adaptation Workshop: The Projected Future Climate Faced by BC Salmon
A link to a recording of the Pacific Salmon Foundation 2021 Climate Adaptation Workshop hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation. The goal of this workshop was to bring together...