Stewardship Project Registry
The Stewardship Project Registry Atlas captures records of completed projects (as far back as the mid 1990s) for many of the funding organizations in the Pacific Region. The... -
Eelgrass Bed Mapping
Land use changes and developments have led to a loss of natural estuarine habitat in British Columbia. Agriculture, forestry, and dredging for commercial and residential... -
Water Quality and Biological Studies in the Marine Environment Near the...
Studies in Porpoise Channel, Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin during 1986 encompassed physical, chemical, and biological assessments of the local environment. These... -
DFO North Coast Fisheries Maps (1985)
Map series depicting various marine values along the North Coast. -
Impacts of LNG Development to Salmon Habitat on Lelu Island and Flora Bank
This report outlines the unaddressed issues that remain after the mitigation proposal presented by Petronas for a suspension bridge over Flora Bank. -
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development 1975
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development Prince Rupert Bulk Loading Facility - Phase 1 and 2 Phase 1: Bulk Marine Terminal Sites... -
Estuaries Poster
Provides general information on estuaries and their importance. -
Chatham Sound Eelgrass Study Report
This report discusses the study on eelgrass in the Chatham Sound estuary. The study was aimed to provide quality data and recommendations to relevant management authorities... -
Assessing Estuaries as Stopover Habitats for Juvenile Pacific Salmon
Habitats along migratory routes may provide key resources for migratory species (e.g. stopover habitat). For example, migratory juvenile salmon transit through estuaries on... -
Variations of Success of Eelgrass Transplants Over a Five-Years' Period
This paper discusses several methods of transplanting Eelgrass. The research described in this paper was an attempt to test some of those ideas in a shallow-subtidal sandflat... -
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince...
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada: A Comparison Between Kinematic and Dynamic Approaches. A Sediment... -
Technical and Management Proposal: Impact of Coal Dust on Marine Environment...
The report contains a concise summary report outlining the findings of this study on the potential impact of coal and coal contaminated sediments on marine life. -
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in Chatham Sound and Adjacent Waters
The focus of this study examines the diet of young salmon in Chatham Sound and adjacent waters. -
Skeena River Estuary Synthesis Report
The research outlined in this report answers questions relating to the estuarine environment and ecology of the Skeena River estuary, with a focus on juvenile salmon.... -
Skeena River Estuary Assessment Project
This project assessed key pressures on salmon habitat in the Skeena River estuary. The authors used benchmarks to assess the status of salmon habitat indicators and identified... -
Skeena Estuary and Industrial Development
A review of the Skeena estuary and the proposed industrial developments in the area. -
Shorezone and Shoreline Habitat Protection
Documentation of existing shoreline habitats around Prince Rupert, the Tsimshian peninsula and the Skeena River using high-resolution aerial imagery. -
Sea Lice Transfer between Wild Sympatric Adult and Juvenile Salmon on the...
In order to determine the levels of abundance between juvenile and adult salmon, the researchers examine sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, on both groups of salmon from the... -
Salmon Science as Related to Proposed Development in the Skeena River Estuary
A collaborative research team of academic and First Nation scientists has been studying the Skeena River estuary ecosystem and its juvenile salmon. After 4 years, 100 boat days,... -
Review of the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Marine Pollution...
This report attempts to provide a preliminary review of the some of the possible impacts, monitoring, and mitigation measures for many of the pollution issues including sewage...