Salmonid Resource Analysis for the Fort St. James Land and Resource Management Plan (Skeena River Basin)

This document presents the available salmonid resource information as well as the status of development activity and physiographic conditions within the Skeena River basin portion of the Fort St. James Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) area. This watershed-based information has been critically reviewed and then combined with the authors' site specific knowledge to classify individual areas within the LRMP as to the current management they require. Based on these classifications, specific strategies are prescribed to properly protect the salmonid resources present.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Remington, D., Portman, D. and P. Lemieux
Maintainer Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region
Last Updated July 22, 2022, 23:09 (UTC)
Created February 7, 2019, 22:42 (UTC)
publication_yr 1997