Copper River Watershed Restoration Program: Site 9 Berm Removal

Site 9 is a 300 m long groundwater channel that was excavated in 1998 within a flood channel to the Copper River, adjacent to 3 km along the Copper Forest Service Road. This site was once a viable spawning area in the early 1970’s, but channel changes did not permit the river to inundate the area at low discharge levels which preclude use by adult fish. This project involved removal of a small berm and channel adjustment in May, 2000, to fulfill a Provincial Water Management Branch Order to remove the bermed material. The berm was originally constructed with material from the a groundwater channel excavation in 1998.

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Author Triton Environmental Consultants
Maintainer Manuela Zindler
Last Updated October 31, 2024, 18:31 (UTC)
Created October 31, 2024, 18:16 (UTC)
publication_yr 2001