Maxan Watershed Stream Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Level 2 Design...
AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited (AEE) was retained by Dz'ilh K'Az Kwa Development Corporation (DKK) to design stream habitat restoration and enhancement measures in the... -
Spring Creek Habitat Restoration Project
The Spring Creek Habitat Restoration Project was initiated under the Habitat Restoration Salmonid Enhancement Program to develop or improve coho salmon habitat in the Spring... -
Richfield Creek Riparian Exclusion Fencing and Restoration
Richfield Creek was included in a larger riparian restoration initiative in 2021 through the Morice Water Monitoring Trust (see dataset: Upper Bulkley Riparian Restoration). The... -
Waterfall Creek Enhancement Project 2000
A restoration/rehabilitation plan was developed that recommended and initiated measures to address community concerns by supplying survey and design for rehabilitation work,... -
Level I Detailed Field Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitat for...
The Watershed Restoration Program of British Columbia is a program whereby watersheds that have been damaged by past logging practices undergo restoration. The program involves... -
Detailed Fish Habitat, Riparian and Channel Assessment for Select Central...
Land use activities have had a significant impact on many of the tributaries within the central Bulkley River watershed. Preliminary air photo analysis has indicated that high... -
Upper Zymoetz (Copper River) WRP Overview Fish and Riparian Assessment
This report summarizes fish and fish habitat values within the Copper River watershed and describes impacts to both the fisheries resource and riparian habitats regulating from... -
Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan...
The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the... -
Sediment Source Mapping, Detailed Channel Assessment, and Reconnaissance...
Sediment source mapping, detailed channel assessment, and reconnaissance sediment budget for Williams Creek for the period 1949 to 2001. This study has two components: (1)... -
Rebuilding Plan for the Morice Sockeye Recovery Unit
This report by the Wet'suwet'en Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada is intended as a framework towards the recovery of sockeye in the Morice Recovery Unit. -
Northwest Transmission Line: Bell-Irving Route Study
Sheffield studies and office-based reviews for this Bell-Irving Route Study Report were completed in August 2010. This report presents the results of baseline information... -
Kitimat to Summit Lake Natural Gas Pipeline Looping Project: Conceptual...
Construction of the Kitimat to Summit Lake Natural Gas Pipeline Looping Project (the KSL Project) will enable delivery of natural gas from the Kitimat Liquefied Natural Gas... -
Interim Restoration Plans for Watershed Units within the Morice Forest District
The following report presents the Interim Restoration Plans (IRP) for targeted watershed units (WU) within the Morice Forest District. The layout of this Interim Restoration... -
Habitat Restoration & Salmon Enhancement Program (HRSEP) 1998/99 Summary Report
The Habitat Restoration and Salmon Enhancement Program (HRSEP) was established in 1996/97 to complement the Pacific Salmon Revitalization Strategy. The main objective of the... -
Conceptual Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan: Proposed Aurora LNG Project
This Conceptual Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan marks the first step along the path to developing a Final Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan in support of an application for a Fisheries... -
Bulkley-Morice Water Sustainability Initiative
The Bulkley-Morice Water Sustainability Initiative launched in 2021 to provide riparian restoration, watershed education and outreach in the Upper Bulkley and Morice area. Low-... -
Assessment of Stream Protection Practices in the Interior of the Prince...
Assessment of stream protection practices in the interior of the Prince Rupert Forest Region. Stream protection measures used in forestry operations in the interior of the... -
Riverside Restoration Workshop December 2021
In the summer of 2021 riparian restoration work was done along the upper Bulkley river in Northern BC, Canada thanks to the leadership of Morice Watershed Monitoring Trust,... -
Historical Changes in Channel Morphology in Bulkley River and Maxan Creek
Report includes the analysis of historical air photos to identify the location and magnitude of changes in channel morphology over time. The area of interest is the lower 10 km... -
Stream Inventory: Owen Creek Watershed 1998
An aquatic inventory was conducted in the Owen Creek Watershed from late June through mid-August 1998. These studies were a continuation of an aquatic inventory program...