Interim Restoration Plans for Watershed Units within the Morice Forest District

The following report presents the Interim Restoration Plans (IRP) for targeted watershed units (WU) within the Morice Forest District. The layout of this Interim Restoration Plan has been broken down by watershed unit. For each watershed unit, a brief overview description is given first. Next, an overview satellite image shows all of the development within the watershed unit up to June 2000. Sub-unit summaries follow the satellite images. The sub-unit summaries outline works completed, fisheries values, watershed type, riparian condition, hill sloped and gully condition, channel/fish habitat condition, and road condition. After the sub-unit summaries, the benefits of restoration activities on fish habitat are outlined. Finally, the interim restoration goals for the watershed unit are given.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Author Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Maintainer Houston Forest Products Co.
Last Updated July 20, 2022, 21:52 (UTC)
Created February 12, 2019, 20:31 (UTC)
publication_yr 2001