Lakelse Lake Limnology and Juvenile Fish Ecology: 2003 Update

In 2003, Fisheries and Oceans Canada personnel carried out a study of the limnology and fish ecology of Lakelse Lake. A similar study was also carried out in 1994. The focus of the study was on juvenile sockeye rearing habitat, which is the offshore portion of the lake (the limnetic zone). In the limnological part of the study, we sampled the lake once monthly from May to October. On each sampling date, we collected a variety of physical, chemical, and biological data from two sites in the lake. In the fish ecology portion of the study, we sampled the lake twice (mid-July and the end of September). In this work, we used an echo-sounder (hydroacoustics) and a mid-water trawl to estimate the abundance, and species of the fish in the offshore portion of the lake.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Author Shortreed, K.
Maintainer Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region
Last Updated July 26, 2022, 20:21 (UTC)
Created September 18, 2019, 19:27 (UTC)
publication_yr 2004