Trout Creek/Kitseguecla Landscape Unit Plan
The Trout Creek Landscape Unit Plan (LUP) outlines the objectives and the strategies for the resource management of the Trout Creek and Toboggan watershed within the Bulkley... -
The Maxan Lake Multi-Land Use Study: A Summary Review
The objective of the Maxan Lake multi-land use study was to examine the interaction between various forms of land use on an area having multi-use capacity. To this end, various... -
The Distribution of Aquatic Vegetation in Lakelse Lake and the Partitioning...
This report was requested by the regional staff as part of a complete study on Lakelse Lake. There was a need to know the value of aquatic plants, for fish habitat, and their... -
Tenas Project: Project Description
Telkwa Coal Limited (TCL) is proposing to develop the Tenas Project (the Project), a surface coal mine designed to produce approximately 15.0 million tonnes of washed... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Application for a Project Approval Certificate
The Application should be read in the context that it is the basis for the first major stage of the Environmental Assessment Process as it applies to new mine developments... -
Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 8: Geotechnical and Hydrogeological...
Piteau Engineering Ltd. (PEL) was retained by Manalta Coal Ltd. (Manalta) to conduct a series of geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations in support of the proposed... -
Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan...
The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the... -
Sustaining Lakelse Lake
A brief summary and visual results to natural resources and perks in Lakelse Lake. -
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in Chatham Sound and Adjacent Waters
The focus of this study examines the diet of young salmon in Chatham Sound and adjacent waters. -
Spatial Distribution of Mature and Old Forests Phase I: Uncertainty...
This project aims to inform the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust about new research related to spatial patterns on landscapes, and to thereby reduce uncertainty related to... -
Skeena River Estuary Synthesis Report
The research outlined in this report answers questions relating to the estuarine environment and ecology of the Skeena River estuary, with a focus on juvenile salmon.... -
Skeena Islands Aerial Photos
Aerial photos of the Skeena Islands -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 480-502100
A secondary lake inventory (RIC 1999, 2000) was conducted on an Unnamed Lake located approximately 13 km west of the outlet of Morrison Lake and 13.3 km north of Smithers... -
Riparian Ecosystems and Fish Habitat
The goal of this project is to examine the status of riparian forest ecosystems adjacent to fish-bearing and non-fish-bearing streams in the Nichyeskwa Creek watershed. The... -
Review of Resident Game Fish Life History and Abundance Information for Babine Lake
Babine Lake is the largest unimpounded lake entirely within the province of British Columbia, and likely receives more annual angler days than any other lake in Skeena Region.... -
Resource Development in the Upper Zymoetz River Catchment 1995
This report addresses issues concerning the Class I angling water designation of the Zymoetz River. Attributes associated with the Zymoetz River's Class I angling water... -
Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Shoreland Development Strategy
This document, specifically devoted to lakeshore development marks the next step in reaffirming the RDBN’s commitment to sound lakeshore development practices. This is done to... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Lakelse Lake
This survey collected information about the fish species that are present in Lakelse Lake, as well as information about the physical characteristics of the lake. This includes... -
Reconnaissance Survey Seymour Lake Data Cards
These data cards describe the quality of Seymour lake, including the species and vegetation present and the current and potential recreational use. A chemical analysis for... -
Rare Ecosystems of the Babine River Watershed
Our objective was to identify rare ecosystems in the watershed using existing data such as field reports, terrestrial ecosystem mapping projects, and predictive ecosystem...