Killutsal Creek Rearing Pond Enhancement
Lakelse lake is a prized recreational area both locally and regionally. Many small and large creeks enter the river along its 14-km length and fish values in these creeks are... -
Kumealon Creek Instream Construction
Two instream rehabilitation projects were implemented in Kumealon Creek, located 56 km south of Prince Rupert. The site is only accessible by boat or air. The creek has high... -
Annual Compendium of Aquatic Rehabilitation Projects for the Watershed...
B.C.'s Watershed Restoration Program (WRP) was implemented under the Province's Forest Renewal Plan in mid-1994 in response to a historical lack of mechanisms for ensuring... -
Assessment of Steelhead Enhancement Opportunities in the Morice River System
Juvenile salmonid populations in two tributary streams to the Morice River system, Owen and Lamprey Creeks, were assessed by the Fish Habitat Improvement Section in the fall of... -
Review of Cattle-Community Watershed Conflicts in the Skeena Region
This report provides the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks (BCE) with a review of cattle farming in the Skeena Region, and a recommendation for monitoring the... -
Analysis and Priority Identification of Existing Fish Passage Data: Bulkley...
For this project, existing fish passage information in the Bulkley River watershed located near Smithers, British Columbia, was reviewed in order to prioritize and rank culverts... -
Assessment of the Impact of the Kemano II Proposal on the Fish and Wildlife...
In 1974 and 1975, the Fish and Wildlife Branch conducted field studies on the fish and wildlife populations in the Nanika-Kidprice system which would be affected by the proposed... -
Fish Passage GIS Analysis Version 2 Methodology and Output Data...
The BC Land Based Investment (LBI) fish passage program is focused on remediating stream crossings that impede freshwater fish migration. The most common barrier to fish is... -
Level I Detailed Field Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitat for...
The Watershed Restoration Program of British Columbia is a program whereby watersheds that have been damaged by past logging practices undergo restoration. The program involves... -
Evaluation of burbot stocks and assessment of a cod trapping technique in...
The use of cod traps was assessed in four small lakes of the Skeena Region. Traps were deployed during lake trout index netting assessments to gain expense and labour... -
Estimating the Abundance of Adult Steelhead in the Babine River Using Mark...
A mark recapture study was conducted by angling on the upper 20 kilometers of the Babine River in an attempt to estimate the abundance of overwintering adult steelhead. The... -
Ecological Interactions in the Flooded Littoral Zone of Reservoirs
Ecological interactions in the flooded littoral zone of reservoirs: The importance and role of submerged terrestrial vegetation with special reference to fish, fish habitat and... -
Cutthroat Fishery - Lakelse River/Lake
A compilation of various studies and emails between the researchers and the Ministry of Environment in regards to Lakelse Lake and River assessment through the years of 1969-2001. -
Call Lake Creel Census
Call Lake is a small, barren lake situated approximately six kilometers east of Smithers, B.C. It is a shallow lake with no inlet or outlet streams. Call Lake was stocked in the... -
Bulkley River Steelhead Trout: A Report on Angler Use, Tagging, and Life...
The Bulkley River and its major tributary, Morice River, support one of the most intense steelhead trout fisheries in British Columbia. Recent mailed questionnaire surveys of... -
Bill Nye Lake - Secondary Lake Inventory
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Babine River Steelhead, 1993/94: Population Estimate and Weir Assessment
This steelhead study included a population estimate of the upper Babine River and a trial operation of the Babine River Weir for future enumeration of the upper Babine and... -
Babine Lake Creel Survey at Fulton and Pinkut Creeks in 1990
Total angler effort and rainbow trout catch at Fulton and Pinkut Creeks in Babine Lake was estimated from May 1 to June 9, 1990 to document the catch of mature or spawner size... -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
An Inventory of Lars Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species...