Ecological Interactions in the Flooded Littoral Zone of Reservoirs

Ecological interactions in the flooded littoral zone of reservoirs: The importance and role of submerged terrestrial vegetation with special reference to fish, fish habitat and fisheries in the Nechako Reservoir of British Columbia, Canada. This report results from a request by the Skeena Region of the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (Fish and Wildlife) to conduct a scientific literature review of the role of submerged trees to fish in reservoirs with recommendations for future research, inventory, fisheries mitigation options, and critical habitat protection issues. In our review we look broadly at ecological interactions in the flooded littoral zone of reservoirs and then relate this perspective to understanding the potential importance as well as problems associated with terrestrial vegetation which may be left or removed from the zone of fluctuation and nearby regions.

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Author Northcote, T.G. and D.Y. Atagi
Data Steward BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Publication Year 1997