Upper Bulkley Water Temperature Monitoring Data and Reports
This dataset comprises water temperature information collected from 15 hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley River watershed since 2016. Resources include interpretative... -
Morice_Bulkley Environmental DNA Report
This report is a preliminary examination of environmental DNA collected in the Morice and Bulkley river systems through the STREAM (Sequencing The Rivers for Environmental... -
Davidson Project Meteorology and Hydrology Baseline Report 2006-2008
This meteorology and hydrology baseline report summarizes results from 2006, 2007, and 2008 from the Davidson meteorology station and for 6 hydrometric stations established for... -
Conserving Morice Watershed Fish Populations and their Habitat: Stage II...
This report addresses Stage II of the Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Planning process by developing the biophysical profile of the Morice Watershed. Stage II produced a... -
Aquatic Resource Baseline Studies Telkwa Coal Project 1997 - Draft 2
Aquatic studies were conducted in the vicinity of the Telkwa Coal Project during 1997. These studies included updating baseline information describing the periphyton and benthic... -
Analysis of Skeena River Tributaries Downstream from the Proposed Enbridge Pipeline
This study's objective was to develop and map metrics that delineate the areas of the Skeena River and its tributaries most vulnerable to potential pipeline spills associated... -
Winter Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen at Selected Sites in the Bulkley Watershed
This report describes dissolved oxygen and water temperature measurements conducted at 50 locations in the Bulkley Watershed during the period March 12 to March 18, 1996. -
Water Quality in British Columbia Objectives Attainment
The setting of water quality objectives in priority basins in British Columbia began in 1982. By the end of 2002, the Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection had set water... -
Water Quality and Accumulation of Periphyton (attached algae) in the Bulkley...
In recent years, studies in the upper Bulkley River upstream of Houston have noted elevated levels of bacteria, nutrients and attached algae (periphyton). A 1992 fisheries study... -
Water Quality Objectives for Bulkley and Morice Rivers (1986)
This report includes an assessment of present water quality, a prediction of future water quality, recommended water uses that should be protected, and recommended monitoring to... -
Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for Toboggan Creek and Tributaries:...
The purpose of this report is to assess the water quality and aquatic ecosystem data gathered to date and to recommend water quality objectives specific to the Toboggan Creek... -
Upper Bulkley and Morice Water and Salmon Sustainability Views: Inventory of...
In the Upper Bulkley and Morice basins of the Skeena watershed, climate change and human induced stresses are contributing to the degradation of aquatic resources, including... -
Upper Bulkley Watershed Hydrometric Stations
Web links to Water Survey of Canada (WSC) and provincial hydrometric data for hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley area. Stations include: Bulkley River Near Houston, Buck... -
Upper Bulkley Floodplain Habitat: Modifications, Physical Barriers, and...
The Bulkley River upstream of the Morice River has some of the most intense public and private land use in the Skeena watershed. The purpose of this assessment was to document... -
Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review: Stream Flow, Surface Water Licenses...
Upper Bulkley fish and aquatic review: stream flow, surface water licenses and groundwater wells. The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review Project produced a set of analyses... -
Tenas Project: Project Description
Telkwa Coal Limited (TCL) is proposing to develop the Tenas Project (the Project), a surface coal mine designed to produce approximately 15.0 million tonnes of washed... -
Suspended Sediment Telkwa River Watershed
In general, the study aimed to determine the timing of suspended sediment transport within the Telkwa watershed and isolate the sediment sources. This report presents sediment... -
Skeena-Nass Area Water Quality Assessment and Objectives: Technical Appendix
This report assess present water quality of the mainstem Bulkley and Morice Rivers, to predict future water quality, and to recommend water uses that should be protected, and to... -
Skeena-Nass Area Bulkley River Basin Water Quality Assessment and Objectives
This historical report includes: (i) an assessment of water quality using available information (up to April, 1984) on waste discharges, water quality, streamflows, and water... -
Skeena and Bulkley Rivers at Hazelton Floodplain Mapping
Includes designated floodplain mapsheets and channel survey data including cross section and road profiles, HEC2 GR data files, bridge sketches, plans showing location of cross...