Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review: Stream Flow, Surface Water Licenses and Groundwater Wells

Upper Bulkley fish and aquatic review: stream flow, surface water licenses and groundwater wells. The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review Project produced a set of analyses focused on select pressure and quantity indicators as determined by the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy. This report and associated maps and data provide an overview of current surface water license use, ground water allocation, and long-term stream discharge within the Upper Bulkley Watershed and associated sub-watersheds. Stream discharge and water extraction have been identified as key salmon habitat state indicators under the Wild Salmon Policy.

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Field Value
Author Eclipse Geomatics Ltd.
Maintainer Upper Bulkley Roundtable
Last Updated July 25, 2022, 21:41 (UTC)
Created June 5, 2018, 19:07 (UTC)
publication_yr 2018