Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations and Fish Passage Culvert Inspection

Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations arose out of the Forest and Range Practices Act as a way of measuring the effectiveness of the Act in accomplishing its forest stewardship objectives. The field procedure for Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluation (WQEE, Carson et al, 2007) is accepted as a standard methodology by the Forest Investment Account for the Land Base Investment Program (Zapisocki, 2008).

The evaluation methods described the field guide were designed such that an efficient evaluation may be conducted effectively by non‐specialists. Using the measurements of the sites road, drainage structure and bank contributions to sediment transport and supply, the site can be categorized into low, moderate, high, very high and extreme classifications for impacts (Zapisocki, 2008).

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Author Viveiros, M.
Maintainer BC Timber Sales
Last Updated July 27, 2022, 22:33 (UTC)
Created December 10, 2019, 19:10 (UTC)
publication_yr 2010