Management strategies for climate-change adaptation in the Nadina Forest District

This report presents a preliminary set of strategies for sustainable forest management in the Nadina Forest District in an era of climate change. These “adaptation strategies” address some of the major challenges presented by climate change. This report is divided into three sections dealing with trees and timber, biodiversity, and hydrology and aquatic ecosystems respectively. Each section outlines potential climate-related challenges (and opportunities) and presents a table of strategies designed to address specific challenges. The report ends with a recommendation to shift the current management paradigm to better address a more dynamic climate.

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Field Value
Author Daust, D. and D. Morgan
Maintainer Bulkley Valley Research Centre (BVRC)
Last Updated July 26, 2022, 20:23 (UTC)
Created January 29, 2019, 21:49 (UTC)
publication_yr 2011