Annual Compendium of Aquatic Rehabilitation Projects for the Watershed...
B.C.'s Watershed Restoration Program (WRP) was implemented under the Province's Forest Renewal Plan in mid-1994 in response to a historical lack of mechanisms for ensuring... -
Northwest Water Tool Report Kathlyn Lake
A report with details on the Kathlyn Lake Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, existing water licenses, land cover, topography... -
An Investigation of the Condition of Kathlyn Lake, with Suggestions for...
As early as 1970, and continuing into the year 1973, concerned citizens of the Smithers area brought to the attention of the Water Resources Services the fact that nuisance weed... -
Wet'suwet'en Title & Rights and Coastal GasLink
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency (BC EAO). This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en... -
Wet'suwet'en Rights and Title and Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipelines Project
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel. This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en response in respect... -
Water Monitoring in British Columbia: Scanning the Data Landscape Public Report
The overall goal of this scan is to inform a shared vision for water monitoring and reporting in BC. This scan collected information on surface and groundwater quality and... -
Toboggan Creek Coho Smolt Enumerations
The primary focus of the "Toboggan Creek Smolt Project" is to estimate the number of wild coho (0. kisutch) smolts leaving Toboggan Creek. Initiated in the spring of 1995, the... -
Some Notes on the Habits and Habitat of Steelhead Trout in the Kispiox River...
During the spring and summer of 1976, two investigations funded through the salmonid enhancement program were conducted on the steelhead trout of the Kispiox River. The first... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Re-sampling of...
This report summarizes past fish inventory efforts and results in context with data collected during re-sampling to present a comprehensive picture of fish distribution in the... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This document presents an assessment of the status of coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) in the Canadian northern boundary areas with emphasis on the Skeena River. The content... -
Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council: Freshwater Habitat
This report discusses the attempts that British Columbians are making in the effort to protect and manage salmon habitat. They also describe the relevant legislation, policy,... -
Operational Stream Inventories for FL A-16823: A Compilation of Data from...
The purpose of these projects was to compile and summarize all fisheries information collected in the Burns Lake area throughout the Babine Forest Products Company (BFP)... -
Northwest Water Tool Report Tyhee Lake
A report with details on the Tyhee Lake Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, existing water licenses, land cover, topography... -
Northwest Water Tool Report Toboggan Creek
A report with details on the Toboggan Creek Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, land cover, topography and historic and... -
Northwest Water Tool Report Round Lake
A report with details on the Round Lake Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, existing water licenses, land cover, topography... -
Northwest Water Tool Report Lakelse Lake
A report with details on the Lakelse Lake Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, existing water licenses, land cover, topography... -
Morice River Downstream Migrant Survey 1961
This report determines the timing of sockeye, spring and coho migration leaving Morice Lake, the population size of sockeye smolts leaving Morice Lake, and the length weight,... -
Fry Salvage 1998
The Fry Salvage program addressed the following concerns: to relocate trapped Coho Fry from stagnant pools and return them to the moving water of the main stem; to identify... -
Fish Passage Culvert Inspections
This project was implemented to assess fish passage at culvert-bearing stream crossings. These assessments were carried out at culvert crossings installed on fish-bearing... -
Fish Passage Assessment of Highway 16 and CN Rail in the Bulkley Watershed
This Bulkley fish passage assessment is part of a larger regional effort to improve fish passage limited by highways and secondary roads throughout the Skeena Basin. The purpose...