Biophysical, Socio-Economic, and Regional Data and Information (BERDI)
BERDI – a data bank for Biophysical, (Socio)Economic, and Regional Data and Information (pronounced “birdie”) - was created to make data collected by the Canada Energy Regulator... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Impacts of LNG Development to Salmon Habitat on Lelu Island and Flora Bank
This report outlines the unaddressed issues that remain after the mitigation proposal presented by Petronas for a suspension bridge over Flora Bank. -
Analysis of Skeena River Tributaries Downstream from the Proposed Enbridge Pipeline
This study's objective was to develop and map metrics that delineate the areas of the Skeena River and its tributaries most vulnerable to potential pipeline spills associated... -
Zymoetz and Clore River Steelhead Trout: A Report on the 1978 and 1979 Sport...
This paper presents data collected during a creel census conducted in the years 1978 and 1979, and includes information on angler harvest and success, and life histories of... -
Wild Salmon Policy Indicator Analysis for the Kispiox TSA
Wild Salmon Policy indicators including road density, stream crossing density, riparian disturbance, and anthropogenic total land cover alternation (TLCA) were calculated for... -
Wet'suwet'en Title & Rights and Coastal GasLink
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency (BC EAO). This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en... -
Wet'suwet'en Submission to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency -...
This submission from the Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) is a response to the CEAA report regarding the proposed Pacific... -
Wet'suwet'en Rights and Title and Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipelines Project
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel. This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en response in respect... -
Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission Project: Conceptual Freshwater Fish...
This freshwater CFHOP outlines the strategy and framework for development of the Final Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan (FHOP). A marine CFHOP companion document has also been... -
Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review Summary of Data, Methodology,...
The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review project produced a set of analyses focused on select pressure and quantity indicators as determined by the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Application for a Project Approval Certificate
The Application should be read in the context that it is the basis for the first major stage of the Environmental Assessment Process as it applies to new mine developments... -
Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan...
The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the... -
TANTALIS - Surveyed Right-of-way Parcels
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of all parcels of land surveyed for statutory access or Right-of-Way purposes, with active surveys, that are or have... -
TANTALIS - Crown Land Rights-of-way
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Statutory Rights-of-way. Statutory rights-of-way are registerable in a Land Titles office,... -
Summary of Construction Monitoring at PNG's Maxan Creek Crossing
This is a short report explaining the repair process of an exposed pipeline. -
Skeena Estuary and Industrial Development
A review of the Skeena estuary and the proposed industrial developments in the area. -
Seymour Lake: 1984 Data Summary and Recommendation
The 1984 sampling program for Seymour Lake was designed to provide nutrient loading data for the lake such that a management prescription for the lake and watershed management... -
Review and Assessment of Water Quality in the Skeena River Watershed,...
Historical water quality data presented for the Skeena River watershed are divided into nine subsequent sections, corresponding to the nine major watershed reaches. Each section...