Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review Summary of Data, Methodology, Thresholds, and Results For Pressure Indicator Riparian Disturbance

The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review project produced a set of analyses focused on select pressure and quantity indicators as determined by the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy 2. Pressure Indicators included are Road Density, Riparian Disturbance, and Total Land Cover Alteration. Quantity Indicators include Accessible Stream Length. Stream Crossing Density is also included in the analyses but is not an indicator under the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy 2. This report provides an overview of riparian disturbance within the Upper Bulkley Watershed and associated sub-watersheds. Streamside riparian disturbance is rated of high value by the Wild Salmon Policy Habitat Working Group. Riparian disturbance is also rated high throughout the literature for its assessment in salmon habitat health.

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Author Eclipse Geomatics Ltd.
Data Steward Upper Bulkley Roundtable
Publication Year 2016