Lakelse Lake Sockeye Rehabilitation Program:
In 2005 and 2006, DFO worked with multiple stakeholders to develop the Lakelse Sockeye Recovery Plan in an attempt to halt the estimated 92% decline in this stock that was... -
The Mission Creek Stream Survey Report Janurary 2000
This stream survey provides information on stream hydrology. The information that was collected provides details on channel length, width, depths as well as information on... -
Stewardship Project Registry
The Stewardship Project Registry Atlas captures records of completed projects (as far back as the mid 1990s) for many of the funding organizations in the Pacific Region. The... -
An Investigation of the Condition of Kathlyn Lake, with Suggestions for...
As early as 1970, and continuing into the year 1973, concerned citizens of the Smithers area brought to the attention of the Water Resources Services the fact that nuisance weed... -
Detailed Fish Habitat, Riparian and Channel Assessment for Select Central...
Land use activities have had a significant impact on many of the tributaries within the central Bulkley River watershed. Preliminary air photo analysis has indicated that high... -
Bulkley River Bank Stabilization and Riparian Rehabilitation (Telkwa, BC)
The goal of the Bulkley River Bank Stabilization and Riparian Rehabilitation Project was to re-establish a stand of native riparian zone plants immediately adjacent to the... -
Watershed Assessment of the Kitseguekla Community Watershed
At the request of Skeena Cellulose Inc. Carnaby Division, a Watershed Assessment of the Kits Creek watershed was conducted by Freshwater Resources of Smithers, B.C. The... -
Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for Toboggan Creek and Tributaries:...
The purpose of this report is to assess the water quality and aquatic ecosystem data gathered to date and to recommend water quality objectives specific to the Toboggan Creek... -
Water Management at Equity Silver Mines Ltd.
Predominantly all wastes, both tailing and blasted rock, contain pyrite and are classified acid generating. Acid generation occurs within waste rock fills around the property... -
Variations of Success of Eelgrass Transplants Over a Five-Years' Period
This paper discusses several methods of transplanting Eelgrass. The research described in this paper was an attempt to test some of those ideas in a shallow-subtidal sandflat... -
Site Specific Risk Assessments of Two Former Copper Concentrate Shed Sites...
In summary, the risk assessments identified COCs in soil that may have potential to cause adverse effects, especially to soil invertebrates and plants, although this is... -
Seymour Lake Rehabilitation Reconnaissance Report 1978
This purpose of this reconnaissance report is to provide further information on the proposed rehabilitation of Seymour Lake with special attention to potential problem areas and... -
Sediment Source Mapping, Detailed Channel Assessment, and Reconnaissance...
Sediment source mapping, detailed channel assessment, and reconnaissance sediment budget for Williams Creek for the period 1949 to 2001. This study has two components: (1)... -
Reconnaissance Survey Seymour Lake 1977
This survey observed many beaver dams and discusses the need for rehabilitation for Seymour Lake. -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in the Upper Buck...
This inventory provides information regarding the characteristics, distributions, and relative abundance of fish species, as well as information on biophysical lake and stream... -
Morice Watershed-Based Fish Sustainability Plan: A Plan to Conserve and...
The purpose of the Morice Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan is to sustain robust fish populations and fully functioning aquatic ecosystems in the Morice River watershed.... -
Maxan Creek Stream Channel, Bank Stabilization and Aquatic Habitat...
This document is a proposal for a study focusing on aquatic habitat rehabilitation in the Maxan Creek stream channel. The need for this project is presented, as well as previous... -
Chicago Creek Hatchery Operations Final Reports
These final reports include a project background, project objectives and accomplishments, project activity, results, and future objectives. -
Assessment of Stream Protection Practices in the Interior of the Prince...
Assessment of stream protection practices in the interior of the Prince Rupert Forest Region. Stream protection measures used in forestry operations in the interior of the... -
Aboriginal Fishing Rights and Salmon Management in British Columbia:...
This paper presents brief arguments to establish a case for the allocation to river-based First Nations of significantly greater catches of salmon than they currently receive....