Killutsal Creek Rearing Pond Enhancement
Lakelse lake is a prized recreational area both locally and regionally. Many small and large creeks enter the river along its 14-km length and fish values in these creeks are... -
Level I Detailed Field Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitat for...
The Watershed Restoration Program of British Columbia is a program whereby watersheds that have been damaged by past logging practices undergo restoration. The program involves... -
Cutthroat Fishery - Lakelse River/Lake
A compilation of various studies and emails between the researchers and the Ministry of Environment in regards to Lakelse Lake and River assessment through the years of 1969-2001. -
A Paleolimnological Assessment
Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Lakelse Lake, BC in 2002. Sediment cores were retrieved from the North and South basins from Lakelse Lake and shipped to Queen's... -
The Distribution of Aquatic Vegetation in Lakelse Lake and the Partitioning...
This report was requested by the regional staff as part of a complete study on Lakelse Lake. There was a need to know the value of aquatic plants, for fish habitat, and their... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Lakelse Lake
This survey collected information about the fish species that are present in Lakelse Lake, as well as information about the physical characteristics of the lake. This includes... -
Observations on Cutthroat Trout of the Lakelse River System, 1986, and...
Cutthroat trout contribute substantially to the Lakelse Lake-River sport fishery. This tagging study of cutthroat trout was undertaken during the May-November period of 1986 on... -
MILAP Creel Census, Lakelse Lake, 1986
The following material describes a creel survey conducted during April-October, 1986 on Lakelse Lake as part of a Canada Employment and Immigration sponsored employment... -
Lower Skeena River Floodplain Mapping
Skeena River (Lakelse River - Terrace - Usk) floodplain mapping (including Zymagotitz (Zymacord) and Kitsumkalum rivers). Includes designated floodplain mapsheets and channel... -
Lakelse River Steelhead: Summary of Current Data and Status Review, 1997
The steelhead population of Lakelse River is a major part of the recreational sport fishing opportunity for residents of the Terrace area as well as for visitors from around the... -
Lakelse Lake Water Quality Assessment and Objectives
This study assesses the water quality of Lakelse Lake. A summary report and detailed technical appendix are included. Report published February 1986. -
Lakelse Lake Sockeye Rehabilitation Program
In 2005 and 2006, DFO worked with multiple stakeholders to develop the Lakelse Sockeye Recovery Plan in an attempt to halt the estimated 92% decline in this stock that was... -
Lakelse Lake Draft Management Plan
The lake management planning process devises methods “to preserve and protect the quality and health of the Lakelse watershed”. This management plan marks the end of the first... -
Lakelse Lake Cutthroat Trout: Enhancement Opportunity Survey, 1983-84
This report provides basic information on production capabilities for cutthroat trout in streams tributary to Lakelse Lake and to thereby identify enhancement opportunities... -
Lakelse Lake Development Capacity
This report shows the results from various analyses such as Boat Limit Method, Shoreline Development Method, Chlorophyll-a Limiting Method, Morpheodaphic and Other Parameters... -
Drinking Water Source Quality Monitoring 2002-03: Lakelse Lake and Mountain...
This document is part of a series presenting results of the B.C. Ministry of Environment (MoE, formerly Water, Land and Air Protection, WLAP) Skeena Region’s 2002-03 drinking... -
Creel Surveys of the Lakelse Lake Cutthroat Sport Fishery
These reports study the sport fishery for cutthroat trout in the Lakelse watershed. They include a description of the study area, the resident species, angler effort and... -
Attainment of Water Quality Objectives for Lakelse Lake in 2001-2003
Designated water uses for Lakelse Lake include raw drinking water supplies, primary-contact recreation, and aquatic and wildlife use. Water quality objectives set to protect the... -
Angling Guide Data Summary for the Skeena Watershed
The Angling Guide Management System database has been developed by BCE to provide a method for comparing annual report submissions. Guided angler data in annual guide reports... -
A Design Brief on the Floodplain Mapping Study Lakelse River and Lake
The purpose of this design brief is to present a description of the methodologies used and results of the study undertaken to delineate the floodplain for Lakelse River and Lake.