Warning Signals of Adverse Interactions between Climate Change and Native...
We examine the direct effects of multiple disturbance agents on individual tree development and stand productivity in 15–40-year-old managed forests in British Columbia, Canada.... -
An Investigation of the Condition of Kathlyn Lake, with Suggestions for...
As early as 1970, and continuing into the year 1973, concerned citizens of the Smithers area brought to the attention of the Water Resources Services the fact that nuisance weed... -
Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring
This dataset contains a link to the Data BC "Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring" page. It contains a series of pdf documents associated with the... -
Bulkley Higher Level Plan GIS Data Cut to Babine Watershed
GIS Shape files from the Bulkley Higher Level Plan Orders as they relate to the Lower Babine Watershed (Babine River). -
Wetlands of British Columbia: A Guide to Identification
This guide presents a site classification and interpretative information for wetlands and related ecosystems of British Columbia. Site identification is based upon principles of... -
Toboggan Creek Fan Sensitive Area Management Plan
This document outlines the reasoning behind designating a portion of the Glacier Gulch/Toboggan Creek fan a sensitive area. The objectives of the sensitive area are statements... -
Old Growth Management Areas - Legal - Current
This data represents legally established and spatially defined areas of old growth forest that are identified during landscape unit planning or an operational planning process. -
Old Growth Deferral Areas
In November 2021, the BC Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel released eight maps outlining the most at risk old forest for immediate deferral. This dataset includes the... -
Harvested Areas of BC (Consolidated Cutblocks)
This is spatial data depicting the cut block boundaries and year of harvest for crown lands within British Columbia. It is created from the provincial Forest Cover, from The... -
Forest Tenure Cutblock Polygons
This is a spatial layer that reflects operational activities for cutblocks contained within harvesting authorities. The Forest Tenures Section (FTS) is responsible for the... -
Fisheries Assessment of Proposed Rip Rap Sites from Km17 to Km25 Morice River 1998
Slope failures along this section have led to a number of proposed remedial works, including rip rap placement at sites identified by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and... -
Fire Perimeters - Historical
Wildfire perimeters for all fire seasons before the current year. -
FADM - Timber Supply Area (TSA)
The spatial representation for a Timber Supply Area or TSA Supply Block: A Timber Supply Area is a designated area established by the Ministry in order to practice sound,... -
Bioassessment of Streams in North Central British Columbia Using the...
In this project, a bioassessment tool known as the Reference Condition Approach (RCA) was developed for north-central British Columbia. In the RCA, benthic invertebrates and... -
The current and most detailed version of the approved corporate provincial digital Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Zone/Subzone/Variant/Phase map (version 12,... -
Development of a Climate Change Index of Stress Using Future Projected BEC:...
Immigration of climatically-suited species could lead to recovery, but is not expected to keep pace with climate change (Aitken et al. 2008, McLachlan et al. 2005), thus future...