Toboggan Creek Fan Sensitive Area Management Plan

This document outlines the reasoning behind designating a portion of the Glacier Gulch/Toboggan Creek fan a sensitive area. The objectives of the sensitive area are statements of desired future conditions of the area and they provide legally ­binding direction for forest management. The objectives and strategies to achieve desired future conditions of this area are to maintain the hydrological processes operating on the fan by both Toboggan and Glacier Gulch creeks, to protect the large cottonwood trees within the area, and to protect the full range of natural plant communities in the sensitive area and allow natural successional processes to proceed.

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Field Value
Author Adrian de Groot
Maintainer BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development
Last Updated July 25, 2022, 20:55 (UTC)
Created January 31, 2019, 18:47 (UTC)
publication_yr 2006