Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area Plan
The Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area ( PNCIMA ) is one of five national Large Ocean Management Areas identified in Canada’s 2005 Oceans Action Plan. The plan... -
Pacific Future Energy Refinery: Project Description
This project description for the Pacific Future Energy refinery presents the purpose of the project, its location, and its building procedures. It also discusses how water will... -
Operational Guide for Forest Road Wetland Crossings
The purpose of this guide is to provide forestry professionals and contractors with a general understanding of boreal wetlands, what to expect in terms of water movement between... -
Northwest Water Tool
The Northwest Water Tool was developed for the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to provide guidance on water availability across northwest BC and to... -
Northwest Transmission Line: Bell-Irving Route Study
Sheffield studies and office-based reviews for this Bell-Irving Route Study Report were completed in August 2010. This report presents the results of baseline information... -
Northwest Transmission Line Project: Assessment Report
This Assessment Report considers the proposed project's potential to cause significant adverse environmental, social, economic, heritage, and health effects. It identifies... -
Natural Resource Stewardship Monitoring and Assessment Report for the...
Natural Resource Stewardship Monitoring and Assessment Reports are a summary of existing resource value monitoring and assessment information for a given geographic area. Data... -
Nadina Mountain Park Management Plan
The Nadina Mountain Park management plan establishes long-term strategic direction for Nadina Mountain Park. It sets out a vision for the future state of the park; addresses... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Project Fish Habitat Compensation Plan
Pacific Brooker Minerals is proposing to develop the Morrison Copper/Gold Project on the east side of Morrison Lake, north of Babine Lake. The project will require the... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Project Assessment Report
This Assessment Report considers the proposed Morrison Copper/Gold Mine Project’s potential to cause significant adverse environmental, economic, social, heritage, and health... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Project 3rd Party Review Response Report
This report presents the response to the 3rd Party Review of the Environmental Assessment for the Morrison Copper/Gold Project. The 3rd Party Review was requested by the... -
Marine Sediment and Water Quality Technical Data Report: Proposed Aurora LNG Project
To facilitate safe manoeuvring and berthing of vessels, capital dredging of marine sediment and rock will be required at two berth areas, located south of Frederick Point, and... -
Lakelse Watershed Initiatives
A summary report of the main initiatives within the Lakelse watershed in 2016, which included William Creek sockeye seining, water samplings in various locations, fish sampling,... -
Lakelse Literature Database
Environmental literature database for Lakelse Lake surrounding fish habitat and water quality. -
Lakelse 2060: A 50 Year Vision for the Lakelse Watershed
The projects in this report are planning exercises based upon the simple thesis, “If you want this specific value in 50 years (be it swimming or water quality or grizzly bears),... -
Inventory of Streamflow in the Skeena Region
This report covers the Skeena region as defined by the Natural Resource Operations regions, and presents summary data and datasheets that have been revised and updated from... -
Interim Assessment Protocol for Aquatic Ecosystems in British Columbia:...
The Aquatic Ecosystems assessment protocol currently describes the derivation of a core set of watershed indicators that can be calculated consistently across the province using... -
Hydrologic Regimes in a Changing Climate: Characteristics and Response of...
Hydrologic regimes in a changing climate: characteristics and responses of wetland and off-channel habitat along the Telkwa River and the implications for juvenile coho salmon.... -
Glaciers, Streams, and Salmon (Video)
The glaciers at the head of our watersheds are receding as the climate warms. As this icy reservoir dwindles, downstream impacts in the form of warmer stream temperatures and... -
Equity Mine Water Quality Data
Equity mine water quality data from 2011 to 2016. Data includes pH, conductivity, anions and nutrients, metals, and total suspended solids. This is a subset of the BC...