Killutsal Creek Rearing Pond Enhancement
Lakelse lake is a prized recreational area both locally and regionally. Many small and large creeks enter the river along its 14-km length and fish values in these creeks are... -
Research perspective: Mismatches in salmon social–ecological systems
Research article in form of a perspective published in Facets by Katrina Connors (Royal Roads University and Pacific Salmon Foundation). The article describes the challenges of... -
Annual Compendium of Aquatic Rehabilitation Projects for the Watershed...
B.C.'s Watershed Restoration Program (WRP) was implemented under the Province's Forest Renewal Plan in mid-1994 in response to a historical lack of mechanisms for ensuring... -
BWMT Project Reports
This dataset contains eighteen reports initiated by the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust between 2003 and 2013. -
Historical Changes in Channel Morphology Nanika River
This report includes the analysis of historical air photos to identify the location and magnitude of changes in channel morphology over time. The area of interest is the 25 km... -
Returning Salmon: Integrated Planning and the Wild Salmon Policy in B.C.
The federal Wild Salmon Policy provides an excellent opportunity to both greatly improve salmon management and to achieve significant progress in meeting other ecosystem... -
Review of Cattle-Community Watershed Conflicts in the Skeena Region
This report provides the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks (BCE) with a review of cattle farming in the Skeena Region, and a recommendation for monitoring the... -
Watershed Stewardship Decision Support Tool for Babine River and Babine Lake
Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) at multiple Watershed Management Levels (WMLs) for the Babine River and Babine Lake Watershed Atlas Groups. Attributes for both atlas groups... -
Kispiox River Watershed Stewardship Decision Support Tool
Results of the 2023 Equivalent Clearcut Area (ECA) analysis at six Watershed Management Levels (WMLs) for the Kispiox River Watershed with respect to Peak-Flow-Sensitivity (PFS)... -
Biophysical, Socio-Economic, and Regional Data and Information (BERDI)
BERDI – a data bank for Biophysical, (Socio)Economic, and Regional Data and Information (pronounced “birdie”) - was created to make data collected by the Canada Energy Regulator... -
Morice Water Monitoring Trust: Annual Monitoring Plans
The Annual Monitoring Plan sets out the year’s proposed activities and budget which are created from the MWMT Monitoring Framework and is consistent with the MWMT Agreement. -
Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations and Fish Passage Culvert Inspection
Water Quality Effectiveness Evaluations arose out of the Forest and Range Practices Act as a way of measuring the effectiveness of the Act in accomplishing its forest... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Northwest Cumulative Effects Case Study
The Northwest pilot has investigated a range of cumulative effect related topics as well as developed methods to assess impacts of industrial development on a selection of... -
2015 Assessment Report on the Topley Richfield Property
Exploration during 2015 was designed to located and sample all historic showings and to map the old trenches, shafts and declines within the property. With an estimated 20,000... -
Skeena Salmon: Lake Sockeye Conservation Unit Snapshot: Lakelse
This habitat report card was developed by the Pacific Salmon Foundation with technical support from ESSA Technologies. This project summarizes pressures on habitat used by... -
Level I Detailed Field Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitat for...
The Watershed Restoration Program of British Columbia is a program whereby watersheds that have been damaged by past logging practices undergo restoration. The program involves... -
Impacts of LNG Development to Salmon Habitat on Lelu Island and Flora Bank
This report outlines the unaddressed issues that remain after the mitigation proposal presented by Petronas for a suspension bridge over Flora Bank. -
Fisheries Problems Associated with the Development of Logging Plans within...
This report has been prepared primarily to describe the fisheries problems associated with a large scale logging operation proposed for the system and to outline certain... -
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development 1975
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development Prince Rupert Bulk Loading Facility - Phase 1 and 2 Phase 1: Bulk Marine Terminal Sites...