The Trapping and Marking of Sockeye Salmon Fry at Fulton River, Babine Lake B.C.

A comparative study of the distribution, growth, and survival of sockeye salmon fry resulting from the same parental stocks, but reared in natural and artificial conditions began in 1966 (McDonald 1969). Fry produced from natural spawning in the Fulton River and in the adjacent artificial spawning channel (in 1966, channel fry were from planted eyed eggs) were marked distinctively, released, and later recovered in the lake nursery area and at the lake outlet at time of seaward migration (McDonald 1969; Scarsbrook and McDonald 1970). Recovery of the marked fish at the adult stage is being carried out in the commercial fishery and on the spawning grounds. This report describes the equipment and methods developed and used to collect and mark sockeye fry and the problems and procedures related to maintenance of marking quality.

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Author Coburn, A.S. and J. McDonald
Maintainer Fisheries Research Board of Canada
Last Updated July 14, 2022, 21:24 (UTC)
Created July 13, 2022, 20:14 (UTC)
publication_yr 1972