Abundance and Life History Characteristics of Adult Cranberry River Steelhead, 1997

The abundance of adult Cranberry River steelhead was estimated with mark-recapture sampling in 26 of the 30 river kilometres of the identified main overwintering habitat. Steelhead were marked with numbered Floy anchor tags and adipose fin clips which distinguished marked from unmarked steelhead in the recovery sample. Abundance was estimated for conditions that assumed no hook and release mortality in the tag application sample and for conditions that assumed hook and release mortality.

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Field Value
Author Parkan, C. K. and Atagi, D. Y.
Maintainer BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Last Updated July 15, 2022, 22:48 (UTC)
Created May 30, 2022, 16:59 (UTC)
publication_yr 1998