Reconnaissance Level Fish and Fish Habitat Inventories in the Bulkley T.S.A.
These reports summarize the reconnaissance level fish and fish habitat inventories for various locations along the Bulkley River. Sensitive habitats and barriers are discussed,... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
Wet'suwet'en Title & Rights and Coastal GasLink
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency (BC EAO). This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en... -
Wet'suwet'en Rights and Title and Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipelines Project
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel. This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en response in respect... -
The Life History of Adult Steelhead Sampled in the Tyee Test Fishery in the...
This report summarizes age, size, and sex for the steelhead sampled at Tyee in four years (1973 - 1976) of test fishing. Comparisons are made with similar information on... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Application for a Project Approval Certificate
The Application should be read in the context that it is the basis for the first major stage of the Environmental Assessment Process as it applies to new mine developments... -
Status of Salmon Spawning Stocks of the Skeena River System
This study provides a listing of individual stocks and their status classification for the entire Skeena system. -
Skeena Salmon Test Fishery 1987
Information relating to the Skeena River gillnet test fishery program for 1987 and a summary for the years 1955 to 1976 is presented in this report. Daily catch of all salmon... -
Skeena Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Pre-Design Reference Document
This document provides a basis for the design phase of an environmental effects monitoring program (EEM) for Repap's pulp and paper mill, Skeena Cellulose Inc., located near... -
Provisional Estimates of Numbers and Biomass for Natural-Origin and...
This report provides provisional abundance estimates for pink, chum, and sockeye salmon in major regions of the North Pacific from 1952 through 2015 in terms of: numbers of... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Project: Volume 1 Report - Application for...
This Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate for the KSL Project has been prepared pursuant to Section 16(1) of the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act. The... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Application Volume II: Baseline Studies
These baseline studies cover the following topics with regards to the impacts of the Pacific Trail Pipeline: acid rock drainage and metal leaching, acoustic environment, air... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This document presents an assessment of the status of coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) in the Canadian northern boundary areas with emphasis on the Skeena River. The content... -
Extended Time-series of Catch and Escapement Estimates for Skeena Sockeye,...
This document provides a brief summary of the methods used to expand the time series of catch, escapement and exploitation rate estimates from the 1980-2010 estimates (English... -
Distribution, Timing, and Numbers of Steelhead Returning to the Skeena...
This report summarizes the data collected during the July to November 1995 period and describes the fate and timing information of steelhead movements to the end of November... -
Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 4...
This resource from Ecocat is a catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records, and other general... -
Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon
Links to sites related to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Wild Pacific Salmon Policy -
Aquatic Stream Inventory: Operational Stream Inventory in the Morrison IRM Unit 1996
The overall purpose of this project was to conduct fisheries inventory in operational areas identified by Houston Forest Products in the Morrison Integrated Resource Management... -
Adult Sockeye and Pink Salmon Tagging Experiments for Separating Stocks 1982-1985
Adult sockeye and pink salmon were captured, tagged, and released in coastal fisheries of southern Southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia between 1982 and 1985. Sockeye...