Atlas of Sockeye High Value Habitat in the Skeena Watershed
The goal of the project was to compile and share existing data that identify habitat of sockeye salmon in the Skeena watershed. This in turn supports implementation of the Wild... -
Guide to Peak Flow Estimation for Ungauged Watersheds in the Skeena Region
This is a historical guide documenting peak flow data from the early 1930s to late 1980s. This data for the region is presented tables, maps and graphs, and provides examples of... -
Returning Salmon: Integrated Planning and the Wild Salmon Policy in B.C.
The federal Wild Salmon Policy provides an excellent opportunity to both greatly improve salmon management and to achieve significant progress in meeting other ecosystem... -
Skeena Salmon Skeena Estuary Habitat Report Card
This habitat report card is part of a 2013 project by ESSA Technologies that summarizes pressures on the habitat used by Skeena salmon Conservation Units (CUs) during their... -
Sockeye Salmon Juveniles in Chatham Sound 2007
Juvenile sockeye migration routes and habitat use were explored in this study by examining the abundance of sockeye smolts, the timing of collections, the size of smolts and... -
Skeena Juvenile Salmon Ecology Data Report: Beach Seine Samples from the...
This data report on beach seine samples from the Skeena estuary has information on salmon length/weight relationships, and stomach contents and, results for zooplankton and... -
Impacts of LNG Development to Salmon Habitat on Lelu Island and Flora Bank
This report outlines the unaddressed issues that remain after the mitigation proposal presented by Petronas for a suspension bridge over Flora Bank. -
Estuaries Poster
Provides general information on estuaries and their importance. -
Chatham Sound Eelgrass Study Report
This report discusses the study on eelgrass in the Chatham Sound estuary. The study was aimed to provide quality data and recommendations to relevant management authorities... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
The Skeena River Estuary Status of Environmental Knowledge to 1975: Report...
This report compiles and summarizes knowledge on the Skeena River Estuary, providing useful background information for those concerned with environmental impacts of these and... -
The Salinity Intrusion of the Skeena River Observations of Salinities,...
Observations of salinities, temperatures and currents are presented in the form of vertical profiles at stations in the lower reaches of the Skeena River and in the approaches... -
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince...
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada: A Comparison Between Kinematic and Dynamic Approaches. A Sediment... -
Technical and Management Proposal: Impact of Coal Dust on Marine Environment...
The report contains a concise summary report outlining the findings of this study on the potential impact of coal and coal contaminated sediments on marine life. -
Surficial Geology of the Skeena River Delta Maps
Maps created by the Geological Survey of Canada of the Surficial Geology of the Skeena River Delta - South and North -
Superport Development Preliminary Environmental Effect Assessment
A preliminary environmental effects assessment relating to the potential port sites identified in the Port Development Study by Wright Engineers Limited for the National... -
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in Chatham Sound and Adjacent Waters
The focus of this study examines the diet of young salmon in Chatham Sound and adjacent waters. -
Skeena Salmon Conservation Unit Report Cards for Pink Salmon
These habitat report cards were developed by the Pacific Salmon Foundation with technical support from ESSA Technologies. This project summarizes pressures on habitat used by... -
Skeena River Estuary Synthesis Report
The research outlined in this report answers questions relating to the estuarine environment and ecology of the Skeena River estuary, with a focus on juvenile salmon.... -
Skeena River Estuary Assessment Project
This project assessed key pressures on salmon habitat in the Skeena River estuary. The authors used benchmarks to assess the status of salmon habitat indicators and identified...