Review of Cattle-Community Watershed Conflicts in the Skeena Region
This report provides the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks (BCE) with a review of cattle farming in the Skeena Region, and a recommendation for monitoring the... -
Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring in the Morice Water Management Area
The Morice Water Management Area (MWMA) was established in 2007 by the Morice Land and Resource Management Plan with the intent to protect the hydrological integrity, water... -
Water Quality and Biological Studies in the Marine Environment Near the...
Studies in Porpoise Channel, Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin during 1986 encompassed physical, chemical, and biological assessments of the local environment. These... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
The Skeena River Estuary Status of Environmental Knowledge to 1975: Report...
This report compiles and summarizes knowledge on the Skeena River Estuary, providing useful background information for those concerned with environmental impacts of these and... -
The Salinity Intrusion of the Skeena River Observations of Salinities,...
Observations of salinities, temperatures and currents are presented in the form of vertical profiles at stations in the lower reaches of the Skeena River and in the approaches... -
The Oceanography of Chatham Sound, British Columbia
This paper is concerned with a detailed analysis of the data obtained during the 1948 oceanographic survey of Chatham Sound that was to determine whether there was any obvious... -
Skeena River Estuary Assessment Project
This project assessed key pressures on salmon habitat in the Skeena River estuary. The authors used benchmarks to assess the status of salmon habitat indicators and identified... -
Skeena Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Pre-Design Reference Document
This document provides a basis for the design phase of an environmental effects monitoring program (EEM) for Repap's pulp and paper mill, Skeena Cellulose Inc., located near... -
Skeena Cellulose Inc. Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Cycle Three...
The purpose of this design document is to summarize and update mill process information and results from previous cycles and other studies, and to provide a rationale for the... -
Research Document 2010/053: State of Fishery Resources of Pacific Marine Ecosystems
This eleventh report of an annual series updates the state of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Canadian Pacific marine ecosystems. -
Prince Rupert Regional Ocean Observatories
Ocean Networks Canada’s observing systems deliver freely available, locally-relevant environmental data in real-time for scientific research that helps communities, governments,... -
Marine Fish and Fish Habitat Technical Data Report: Proposed Aurora LNG Project
This Technical Data Report (TDR) presents information on existing conditions for marine fish and fish habitats within local and regional assessment areas. The purpose of the TDR... -
Manuscript Report Series No. 990: Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Data
Oceanographic surveys were conducted from 1957 to 1967 in a number of the inlets along the west coast of Vancouver Island, and on the north coast of British Columbia, in order... -
Manuscript Report Series No. 1345: Intertidal Biota and Preliminary...
This report provides visual observations and details of sampling locations for the cruises. The detailed information resulting from the work will be presented in future... -
Literature Review and Data Summary of Studies Related to Bell Mine, Babine Lake
This report summarizes available information on selected chemical and physical parameters of Babine Lake. The information has been reviewed in order to understand long term... -
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document Series
This series documents the scientific basis for the evaluation of aquatic resources and ecosystems in Canada. -
BC Surface Water Monitoring Sites
The Surface Water Monitoring Sites web application allows users to browse a map interface to find freshwater monitoring locations throughout BC. Clicking on a station provides... -
BC Environmental Monitoring System Results
The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) test results as .csv files available for download. Results include physical, chemical and biological analyses of samples taken from... -
BC Environmental Monitoring System (EMS)
The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS), is the Ministry of Environment corporate electronic repository for the capture and extraction of results for chemical, physical and...