Habitat Improvement and Outplanting Possibilities - Upper Bulkley/ Morice Systems
The NCD Habitat Unit, along with coho biologists from the Science Branch, conducted a juvenile coho sampling program on the Upper Bulkley/Morice River systems during the month... -
Unnamed Kispiox Lake (Bartok Lake) Outlet Spawning Gravel Placement
In 1991, technicians with the Recreational Fisheries Branch undertook a restoration project at an unnamed lake, dubbed Bartok lake, approximately 80 km north of Hazelton. This... -
Seymour Lake Excerpts from Targeted BC Aquatic Invasive Plant Inventories
The presence of aquatic invasive plants in waterbodies throughout British Columbia have caused significant ecological and economic damage. Targeted aquatic invasive plant... -
Sediment Source Mapping, Detailed Channel Assessment, and Reconnaissance...
Sediment source mapping, detailed channel assessment, and reconnaissance sediment budget for Williams Creek for the period 1949 to 2001. This study has two components: (1)... -
Lakelse River Watershed - Review of Existing Information
This report reviews existing water, fisheries, and land-use related information for the Lakelse River watershed, considered for Fisheries Sensitive Watershed designation. This... -
Assessment of Stream Protection Practices in the Interior of the Prince...
Assessment of stream protection practices in the interior of the Prince Rupert Forest Region. Stream protection measures used in forestry operations in the interior of the... -
Environmental Mitigation Plan Strimbold Bridge Maxan Creek Deactivation
This environmental mitigation plan identifies the issues and mitigation measures to best accomplish the collapsed bridge removal with the least environmental impacts and the...