Water Quality in the Toboggan Creek Watershed 1996-1998: Are Land Use...
FO Habitat and Enhancement Branch initiated water quality monitoring in Toboggan Creek watershed in early 1996. Toboggan Creek is an important nursery stream for both wild and... -
Vopak Pacific Canada Project Description
The purpose of the Project is to provide berthing and loading facilities for bulk liquid cargo that will be received via the existing rail loop on Ridley Island. Due to the... -
Upper Bulkley Floodplain Habitat: Modifications, Physical Barriers, and...
The Bulkley River upstream of the Morice River has some of the most intense public and private land use in the Skeena watershed. The purpose of this assessment was to document... -
Tenas Project: Project Description
Telkwa Coal Limited (TCL) is proposing to develop the Tenas Project (the Project), a surface coal mine designed to produce approximately 15.0 million tonnes of washed... -
Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 12: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates, and fish... -
Riparian and In-Stream Assessment of the Bulkley River System: An...
Sixty-eight tributaries to the Bulkley River were examined by topographic maps and air photo interpretation to assess the degree and nature of the impacts on these streams by... -
Pacific Northwest LNG: Project Description
Pacific NorthWest LNG Limited Partnership (PNW LNG) is proposing to construct and operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility within the District of Port Edward,... -
Pacific Future Energy Refinery: Project Description
This project description for the Pacific Future Energy refinery presents the purpose of the project, its location, and its building procedures. It also discusses how water will... -
Northwest Transmission Line Project: Assessment Report
This Assessment Report considers the proposed project's potential to cause significant adverse environmental, social, economic, heritage, and health effects. It identifies... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Kitimat - Summit Lake Pipeline Looping Project: Assessment Report
The purpose of this Assessment Report is to: describe the Project; summarize the process for the review of the Application; report on the adequacy of the Proponent’s... -
Fish Passage Assessment of Highway 16 and CN Rail in the Bulkley Watershed
This Bulkley fish passage assessment is part of a larger regional effort to improve fish passage limited by highways and secondary roads throughout the Skeena Basin. The purpose... -
Davidson Project: Application for Environmental Assessment Certificate
This underground mining project will be located in the Bulkley-Nechako Regional District and in the traditional territory of the Wet'suwet'en people. Included in this dataset... -
Dahlie Creek Salmonid Overwintering and Water Quality Studies: Interim Report
This document contains a detailed fish habitat, riparian, and channel assessment of Dahlie Creek. Low channel complexity, removal of riparian vegetation, culvert obstructions to... -
Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon
Links to sites related to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Wild Pacific Salmon Policy