Summary of Salmon Enumeration of Sampling Data, Babine River, 1961-1966...
In 1945 and 1946 the Fisheries Research Board of Canada built a counting fence to permit total counts of all salmon species. Arc (1961) has discussed the location and... -
Sockeye Parasite Sampling Program 2006 at Fulton, Pinkut and Nadina Spawning...
The 2006 results of a sockeye parasite sampling program that was initiated in 1996 to monitor the infection rate. -
Skeena Steelhead Conservation Units
The purpose of this project is to provide an update of Skeena steelhead population structure that is more consistent with both the federal methodology and the intent of the wild... -
Skeena Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report is a follow-up to an earlier volume (Gottesfeld et al. 2002) which was prepared as part of the Skeena Watershed Fish Sustainability Plan process. The earlier report,... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 480-697200-25400-62800-01
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 480-697200-25400-40300-01
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). From... -
Review and Assessment of Water Quality in the Skeena River Watershed,...
Historical water quality data presented for the Skeena River watershed are divided into nine subsequent sections, corresponding to the nine major watershed reaches. Each section... -
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index Survey for the Nichyeskwa...
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) Survey for the Nichyeskwa Watershed, Skeena Stikine Forest District. This report presents the results of the SCQI survey... -
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) Survey for the Upper...
This report present the results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) survey conducted in the Upper Babine River Corridor during the week of July 4th, 2006. -
Report on the Preliminary Survey of Steelhead of Skeena River Drainage Systems
This report represents an effort to compile as much information as possible on the distribution, migration, and life history of steelhead in the Skeena system. Reference was... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Twin Lake
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd. was retained by the Fisheries Branch of the BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks in Smithers (MELP), British Columbia, to conduct a... -
Reconnaissance Level Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory for the Kispiox Forest District
Forest Renewal BC is implementing fish and fish habitat inventories to provide information required for resource planning. Triton's goals were to describe fish distributions and... -
Reconnaissance Lake Inventory of Hanawald Lake
The primary purpose of the reconnaissance inventory of Hanawald Lake was to gather information on the presence or absence of the fish in the lake, and to gather preliminary data... -
Rare Ecosystems of the Babine River Watershed
Our objective was to identify rare ecosystems in the watershed using existing data such as field reports, terrestrial ecosystem mapping projects, and predictive ecosystem... -
Range of Variation in Structural Attributes of Harvested Stands in the...
This report provides information on structure remaining following managed disturbance (timber harvesting) within the Babine River Watershed as a basis for direct comparisons... -
Radio Telemetry Investigations of Babine River Steelhead, Spring 1990
The Babine River ranks as one of the best wild steelhead rivers in the world. It is one of British Columbia's five Class I rivers; streams with this classification offer... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This document presents an assessment of the status of coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) in the Canadian northern boundary areas with emphasis on the Skeena River. The content... -
Options for the Babine River Area
Land management strategies and access route options for the Babine River planning area. -
Movements of Wild Summer Run Steelhead Tagged with Radio Transmitters in the...
Radio telemetry was used for the second consecutive migration year to determine the proportion of wild, Babine River adult summer run steelhead migrating through the Department... -
Movements of Babine River Summer Run Steelhead Tagged with Surgically and...
The primary purpose of this investigation was to assess whether fish behavior differed between the two implementation times and methodologies. The secondary objectives were to...