Timber Harvesting Practices and Mountain Goat Habitat Project 2007–3

Mountain goats have been identified as a monitoring priority for the Babine watershed Monitoring Trust (BWMT) for the last two years. In 2007, the BWMT initiated a background review to gather information and/or data made available after the inception of the Monitoring Framework in 2004 (Project 2007–3). As an extension of that work, the focus of this project was to develop a current harvest and road database relevant to mountain goats within the Babine watershed. These data were then analysed for different buffer widths (200m, 500m, 1000m and 2000m) around the Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWRs) and Mapped Habitats used to manage goat habitat and goat populations within the Babine watershed.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://www.babinetrust.ca/documents
Author D'Arcy, M.
Maintainer Babine Watershed Monitoring Shed
Last Updated July 25, 2022, 20:50 (UTC)
Created October 5, 2021, 17:22 (UTC)
publication_yr 2009