Alaskan Interceptions of BC Salmon: State of Knowledge Report Series Summary
Alaskan fisheries in Southeast Alaska (SEAK) intercept salmon returning to British Columbia (BC) rivers. Given the current depressed status of many BC wild salmon populations,... -
Value of the Fisheries Resources in the Bulkley River System
The purpose of this report is to provide an indication of the net economic value of the fisheries stocks in the Bulkley river system. This is done by assessing current and... -
The Sports Fishery for Cutthroat Trout at Lakelse Lake
For the past 15 years, Lakelse Lake has supported an active sport fishery for cut-throat trout. Since 1950 the Fisheries Research Board of Canada has kept records of this... -
Skeena Sockeye In-River Run Reconstruction Analysis Model and Analysis...
This report provides a brief outline of a Skeena Sockeye In-River (SSIR) run reconstruction model built to combine information on run timing and escapements for Skeena sockeye... -
Review of Resident Game Fish Life History and Abundance Information for Babine Lake
Babine Lake is the largest unimpounded lake entirely within the province of British Columbia, and likely receives more annual angler days than any other lake in Skeena Region.... -
Radio Telemetry Investigations of Steelhead Tagged in the Lower Bulkley River, 1989
Between September 11 and October 2, 1989, twenty three steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were radio tagged in the Bulkley River downstream from Moricetown Canyon. The objective... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This document presents an assessment of the status of coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) in the Canadian northern boundary areas with emphasis on the Skeena River. The content... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This report by the Northern Boundary Technical Committee (NBTC) includes a summary of information on coho salmon stocks and fisheries in the northern Boundary area of Southeast... -
Pacific Region Stock Status Reports
These reports provides updates on the Skeena River sockeye salmon stocks from various years. -
McDonell and Stephens Lakes Hydroacoustic Survey Report 2005
This report contains the results of the Gitksan Watershed Authorities sockeye fry hydroacoustic survey of McDonell and Stephens Lakes. -
Interception of Skeena River Sockeye Salmon Stocks in Northern Boundary...
This report estimates the marine interception of Skeena River sockeye salmon stocks in Northern Boundary fisheries. -
Further Information on Sustained Yields from Fluctuating Environments
The conclusions of Ricker (1958) are confirmed in series of 200 generations in which environment effects are simulated -
Conservation & Protection Post Season Salmon Summary - 2020
The post season salmon summary is intended to provide a description of the compliance and enforcement effort the North Coast Area Conservation and Protection (C&P) staff... -
Commercial Interceptions of Steelhead Trout in the Skeena River - A...
Test fishing at Tyee was conducted by Fisheries and Marine Service from the first week in June until the last week in August, using standardized drift gillnet sets to monitor... -
Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat Research Documents
This series documents the scientific basis for the evaluation of fisheries resources in Canada. As such, it addresses the issues of the day in the time frames required and the... -
Bulkley River Steelhead Trout: A Report on Angler Use, Tagging, and Life...
The Bulkley River and its major tributary, Morice River, support one of the most intense steelhead trout fisheries in British Columbia. Although on—river creel surveys have been... -
Babine Steelhead - A Future
The project was designed to capture wild juveniles of these species during or before their seaward migration, and mark them by inserting a coded wire tag in their snout and...