Biological Assessment of Skeena River Coho Salmon
This paper provides data on juvenile densities throughout the Skeena watershed in the year following record low escapements and documents the responses in escapement to the... -
Benchmark Analysis for Lake Sockeye Conservation Units (CUs) in the Skeena
This project estimates benchmarks and status' for all conservation units (CUs) in the Skeena watershed. -
Archival Notes on Morice & Upper Bulkley Spawning Grounds
A compilation of archival notes on Morice and Upper Bulkley spawning grounds compiled in 2009. -
Angling Guide Data Summary for the Skeena Watershed
The Angling Guide Management System database has been developed by BCE to provide a method for comparing annual report submissions. Guided angler data in annual guide reports... -
An Assessment of the Effects on the Morice and Bulkley River Systems of a...
This report assesses the economic and biological consequences of further development at Houston, B.C. The first part of this paper identifies the geographic and biological... -
An Analysis of the Steelhead Sport Fishery on Morice River Autumn, 1976
A creel census was conducted on the Morice River steelhead fishery during Autumn, 1976. Objectives of the study were two-fold: to collect detailed information on angler origin,... -
A Survey of Morice River Steelhead Anglers in 2004
Morice River steelhead anglers were surveyed during the 2004 Classified Waters Period using a combination of interviews and aerial counts. During the early Classified Waters... -
A Petersen Mark-Recapture Estimate of the Steelhead Population of the...
The Bulkley/Morice river systems are important steelhead systems of the Skeena River watershed for which steelhead abundance has historically been estimated by indirect methods.... -
A Brief Overview of Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Resources in the Morice TSA
The objective of this report is to present a concise distillation and elaboration where necessary, of the existing knowledge, studies and reports related to fish, fish habitat,... -
2008 Stream Assessment for Select Areas and Road Crossings within Nadina...
This report summarizes the results of the stream assessments, which were completed between July 14 and October 22, 2008. All evaluated drainages are within the Babine Lake... -
1996 Bulkley-Morice Rivers Sport Fishery Survey Summary Report
Summary of sport fishery survey catch and effort estimates for 1996 on the Bulkley River between the Skeena and Morice confluences and the Morice River from its confluences with... -
Water Quality Summaries for Eight Rivers in the Skeena River Drainage 1983-1987
This report is a summary of the water quality data collected from April 1983 to March 1988 from the major drainages of the Skeena River watershed. -
Morice Lake Park Management Plan
The Morice Lake Management Plan establishes long-term strategic direction for Morice Lake Park. It sets out a vision for the future state of the park; addresses current issues... -
Inventory of Bulkley-Morice Coho Salmon (1998)
An interim report documenting the numbers and locations of coho observations during 1998 stream walks. -
Bulkley River and Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning
In April of 2020, the Society for Ecosystem Restoration Northern British Columbia (SERNbc) undertook an initiative to plan and conduct fish passage restoration planning...