Upper Bulkley Water Temperature Monitoring Data and Reports
This dataset comprises water temperature information collected from 15 hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley River watershed since 2016. Resources include interpretative... -
Lakelse Watershed Monitoring Program
Monitoring program focused on capturing water quality data from Lakelse Lake. The original data, information on citation, licence agreement, background information, maps, and... -
Morice Temperature Monitoring
This dataset comprises water temperature information collected from seven temperature loggers installed in the Morice watershed in 2023. Resources include a monitoring station... -
Portal accessing real-time water-related data, including dataset download, mapping, and creation of charts. Parameters include snow surveys, surface water discharge, groundwater... -
Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring in the Morice Water Management Area
The Morice Water Management Area (MWMA) was established in 2007 by the Morice Land and Resource Management Plan with the intent to protect the hydrological integrity, water... -
Water Quality and Biological Studies in the Marine Environment Near the...
Studies in Porpoise Channel, Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin during 1986 encompassed physical, chemical, and biological assessments of the local environment. These... -
Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
Lake Kathlyn Monitoring Results
A weblink to the Lake Kathlyn sampling history and monitoring results on the BC Lake Monitoring Network. -
An Investigation of the Condition of Kathlyn Lake, with Suggestions for...
As early as 1970, and continuing into the year 1973, concerned citizens of the Smithers area brought to the attention of the Water Resources Services the fact that nuisance weed... -
A Decision-Making Framework to Identify "Temperature-Sensitive Streams" for...
The object of this thesis is to provide results from analysis to aid forest managers to define acceptable levels of impact for a particular stream and evaluate the likelihood... -
Winter Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen at Selected Sites in the Bulkley Watershed
This report describes dissolved oxygen and water temperature measurements conducted at 50 locations in the Bulkley Watershed during the period March 12 to March 18, 1996. -
Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Water Temperature, River Discharge, and Adult Sockeye Salmon Migration...
Water temperature, river discharge, and adult sockeye salmon migration observations in the Babine watershed, 1946-2014. Historical meteorological and hydrological data were... -
Water Resources Service Pollution Control Branch - Lakelse Lake Water Quality Study
A comprehensive water quality limnology study in Lakelse Lake was completed by the Pollution Control Branch in 1973 - 74. The expressed purpose of this study, as developed by... -
Water Quality in the Toboggan Creek Watershed 1996-1998: Are Land Use...
FO Habitat and Enhancement Branch initiated water quality monitoring in Toboggan Creek watershed in early 1996. Toboggan Creek is an important nursery stream for both wild and... -
Water Quality in British Columbia Objectives Attainment
The setting of water quality objectives in priority basins in British Columbia began in 1982. By the end of 2002, the Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection had set water... -
Water Quality and Accumulation of Periphyton (attached algae) in the Bulkley...
In recent years, studies in the upper Bulkley River upstream of Houston have noted elevated levels of bacteria, nutrients and attached algae (periphyton). A 1992 fisheries study... -
Water Quality Sampling for the 2001 Spring Runoff in the Bulkley Valley
The objective of the sampling program was to gather information on the water quality of specific streams during the spring runoff period, and from that information, determine... -
Water Quality Assessment and Objectives for Toboggan Creek and Tributaries:...
The purpose of this report is to assess the water quality and aquatic ecosystem data gathered to date and to recommend water quality objectives specific to the Toboggan Creek... -
Water Management at Equity Silver Mines Ltd.
Predominantly all wastes, both tailing and blasted rock, contain pyrite and are classified acid generating. Acid generation occurs within waste rock fills around the property...