Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Upper Bulkley River Survey 1956
In August, 1955, a survey party inspected the Bulkley river from the falls to Bulkley Lake and sections of Maxam Creek and its main tributary, Foxy creek. Information on water... -
Upper Bulkley Floodplain Habitat: Modifications, Physical Barriers, and...
The Bulkley River upstream of the Morice River has some of the most intense public and private land use in the Skeena watershed. The purpose of this assessment was to document... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Shovel/Maxan...
The objective of this project was to conduct a Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in several drainages within the Babine Lake watershed group. This is a... -
Maxan Creek Stream Survey 1974
This stream survey evaluates Maxan Creek. Elements included are the location, physical characteristics, and water quality of the creek, the species present, and the surrounding... -
Interim Restoration Plans for Watershed Units within the Morice Forest District
The following report presents the Interim Restoration Plans (IRP) for targeted watershed units (WU) within the Morice Forest District. The layout of this Interim Restoration... -
Fish Passage Assessment of Highway 16 and CN Rail in the Bulkley Watershed
This Bulkley fish passage assessment is part of a larger regional effort to improve fish passage limited by highways and secondary roads throughout the Skeena Basin. The purpose... -
Fish Habitat Inventory & Information Program: Stream Summary Catalogue
This catalogue contains a summary of information on fish and fish habitats for 83 streams in the DFO Subdistrict 4D, Smithers, Volume 2 (Bulkley). The catalogue is organized as... -
A Reconnaissance Survey of Netalzul Meadow Lake (Alias)
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd. was retained by the Fisheries Branch of the BC Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks in Smithers, British Columbia, to conduct a... -
A Brief Overview of Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Resources in the Morice TSA
The objective of this report is to present a concise distillation and elaboration where necessary, of the existing knowledge, studies and reports related to fish, fish habitat,... -
2008 Stream Assessment for Select Areas and Road Crossings within Nadina...
This report summarizes the results of the stream assessments, which were completed between July 14 and October 22, 2008. All evaluated drainages are within the Babine Lake... -
Historical Changes in Channel Morphology in Bulkley River and Maxan Creek
Report includes the analysis of historical air photos to identify the location and magnitude of changes in channel morphology over time. The area of interest is the lower 10 km... -
Excel Energy Inc: Birch Oil Sales Pipeline Pre-Impact Fisheries Habitat Assessment
Excel Energy Inc. planned to construct an oil pipeline in the area of the Birch oil field in northeastern British Columbia. The project involved the construction of...